We have too rich owner here. We are a bit different kind of club than other Finnish clubs (course HJK think they are always greatest). Other clubs here are happy when having even 80 000 GBP transfer deal but our club owner has refuse selling players like Cedric Gogoua when having 300 000 GBP offers. So Thats why Im asking if Motherwell has any history paying those kind of transfer deals.
Simo awesome coach, very bad thing our club if he is going Motherwell. I think he focus small things when coach players, everything need to be perfect. He is very young coach so I don't know how he can deal possible problems and difficult times. When he coach Finland only HJK has better players than SJK so its kinda easy job coach club like SJK. I don't know what style football Motherwell plays but Simo surely like attacking (keeping ball) football.
Mixu other hand really unpopular coach here, most people are just laughing at him. He got fired our national team couse fail so badly, our national team dropped like place 96 (FIFA ranking).. its worst place through our history. But I guess Mixu had some good result in Scotland before coach our national team. But yeah Simo much much much better coach than Mixu. Mixu a bit stubborn.
Sorry bad english