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Everything posted by SJK

  1. He was really popular here in Seinäjoki. Now there are people how support him and people how support club owner. HJK fans surely like him more now. In Finland we have lot leftists kind of thinking so naturally people always support individuals over clubs or higher position people. Personally I don't understand why some people are mad at our club owner since Simo himself said that maybe club owner should fire him. Simo wanted expensive players while club owner told they have new strategy. Club owner want young finnish players get more opportunities and they want SJK become big Nordic team. They say its not working if SJK just put all money having expensive foreign players and many of them fail. In Finland Simo had always second best players and material after HJK Helsinki. I guess Motherwell not biggest teams in Scotland so its nice to see how coaching goes when not having top league players your team. Here in Finland he always had good results against weaker teams but when playing against good teams SJK lost too many games. SJK did play four Europa/Champions League games without getting any victories with Simo. We should won that Iceland team put somehow we end up losing both games. He is good practise kind of guy and also players like him a lot. His weakness are tactics kind of things couse being so young. But I guess he is really clever since he always make great deals himself. He surely have big passion and he wanna get forward. But I personally dont like people how give up when things not going like they want. But its not your problem right now.
  2. SJK psysiotherapist Twitter ""Something special ahead. Foggy island is calling!!"" Simo got fired and now coming Scotland. Please take that !#!#*piip*!# and don't make mistake giving him long contract. Extremely nice person when things going well but when not going well he is like biggest !#!*piip*. Just ask Derby or SJK.
  3. Simo only coach 3 division team and young academy players before coming SJK. I can not imagine he would get deal he can just leave our club between contract. They would not never hire Simo if he demand something like that. Surely if Liverpool or Tottenham want Simo then its different situation. But it can not be way where same size of clubs are just stealing our players and coaches for free. Hans Backe is our new national team coach and there are rumors that Simo might be his assistance coach. But If Simo goes Scotland and fail then its hard him to get new opportunities from UK. Maybe Simo should practice more and get more experience before going Scotland. I think working with Hans Backe would be amazing opportunity for him.
  4. Hehe yeah and I think foreign people like when we use those. SJK = Seinäjoen jalkapallokerho, HIFK = Idrottsföreningen Kamraterna, HJK = Helsingin jalkapalloklubi
  5. I don't know what that tells about Simo and his game but SJK has been performing badly against other top teams. SJK won 2 games, 2 draw and 7 loses against other top5 teams. SJK also lost both Europa League games against Iceland team we should won. But despite all that we are top our league table. Its kinda silly season couse we are not 100% happy our game but it seem that other teams are doing even worse.
  6. Our league same level than Scottish league without having Celtic. But when talking about fun culture difference huge compared to Scottish League. Football not that big thing here in Finland. SJK different kind of club couse we also focus small things and players dont need to worry about anything when being here. Budget now about 2 milion euros and its going to double next season. They are building new football stadium here, its ready next season when hopefully playing Champions League games. Few weeks ago Liverpool send their new Brazilian £500 000 signing our club so we surely has some quality our club. You guys need to be fast before Liverpool contact Simo, prepare giving some cash
  7. Oh i did not know you guys think its an insult? I think bagpipes cool cultural thing We don't usually fuck reindeers even if its totally legal. Our this year biggest rival is RoPS from Lapland and they very much like reindeers. But I think you confuse Finns and Swedes.
  8. Thanks this information. I think our owner not happy £100 000 transfer but maybe Simo turn on against SJK and they somehow make it happen. But yeah huge impact our club if Simo going Motherwell. I was really surprise his job application end up news since we have 4 games left and we are top league (1 point difference). Hopefully Motherwell not pick Simo
  9. We have too rich owner here. We are a bit different kind of club than other Finnish clubs (course HJK think they are always greatest). Other clubs here are happy when having even 80 000 GBP transfer deal but our club owner has refuse selling players like Cedric Gogoua when having 300 000 GBP offers. So Thats why Im asking if Motherwell has any history paying those kind of transfer deals. Simo awesome coach, very bad thing our club if he is going Motherwell. I think he focus small things when coach players, everything need to be perfect. He is very young coach so I don't know how he can deal possible problems and difficult times. When he coach Finland only HJK has better players than SJK so its kinda easy job coach club like SJK. I don't know what style football Motherwell plays but Simo surely like attacking (keeping ball) football. Mixu other hand really unpopular coach here, most people are just laughing at him. He got fired our national team couse fail so badly, our national team dropped like place 96 (FIFA ranking).. its worst place through our history. But I guess Mixu had some good result in Scotland before coach our national team. But yeah Simo much much much better coach than Mixu. Mixu a bit stubborn. Sorry bad english
  10. Hello bagpipes! How big budget your club has? If Simo Valakari coming Motherwell how big transfer deal your club can offer SJK? 50 000 euros (or GBP), 100 000 euros, 300 000 euros? or nothing? I'm just trying to figure out if Simo really coming Motherwell. He still have 2 years left his contract. Surely not coming for free.
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