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  1. On the other side of that, once Dunne had resigned they very quickly moved him back to 18 and Jordan White to 9. They’ve not updated the reserves page properly as I don’t believe there’s been an official announcement yet
  2. ...and Jake Taylor. With Alex Fisher on the bench.
  3. To be honest I feel like O’Hara is exactly the type and level of player that Robinson would offer a 3 year deal to. If we have the finances (which it seems like we don’t have at the minute) it seems a very good agreement that would give us a solid midfield option when we know we aren’t keeping all of Turnbull, Campbell, Polworth and Donnelly over the next couple of seasons.
  4. Where are you getting that from? Taking a glance at things like their P&B page, they largely seem to think it’s the right decision to let him go, saying he was good a few years back but has drifted through the last couple of seasons and looked shot of confidence. Not a whole lot, if any, saying that it’s a poor decision to let him go. Not really bothered either way about Fraser as I don’t know a whole lot about him, but find this claim that he’ll definitely be missed as rather disingenuous.
  5. You’ll find all the players that were offered extended terms have remained on the site until a decision is made. The ones that have been removed are the ones that have obviously rejected or not been offered new deals, and have definitely left the club.
  6. Unlucky ITKMarv, better luck in the summer mate
  7. It’s nothing sinister. Apparently he’s just unwell and therefore unfit to travel. Burrows confirmed as much on twitter in addition to reassuring the worriers that business is ongoing in terms of transfers and renewals.
  8. More than anything, I think this is just circumstances changing a bit. With Johnson away, we appear to have picked up a low cost forward option who seems to be better suited to how we play while still keeping space and money for the “starter,” that was mentioned.
  9. Pretty sure the goal keeper from the levante games is the same guy who is a current Real Madrid player with multiple champions league trophies?
  10. Currently thinking that we’ll see Hartley, Carson and Maguire all start on Friday, as well as Seedorf and Hylton. Robinson mentioned post match that the wingers needed to build up fitness so think they’ll be sticks ons. Would imagine Polworth would come straight into the side as well, most likely replacing Semple. The rest is all a bit harder to guess so it’ll be interesting to see who we go with. Admittedly I’d like to see Sloth, if he’s fit of course.
  11. Hylton and Seedorf were much more impressive than Cole and Ilic, you could tell that they’re natural wingers. Their finishes were brilliant too.
  12. Polworth is suspended for this one. Think you’re mostly right with your selection, although I suspect we’ll see Gillespie in goal and Hartley in instead of Dunne. Also think Donnelly will play holding with Sloth and Campbell slightly ahead of him.
  13. Despite this, you could still reasonably assume we might be interested in loaning out Scott and maybe trying to move Johnson on. The two we’ve recruited so far in Long and Cole have also had their versatility talked up very much in the regard that they can both play wide. Taking all this into account, I wouldn’t be surprised to see us bring in a target man type, or classic #9.
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