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Yodo last won the day on February 18 2023

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Attracting Interest from Abroad

Attracting Interest from Abroad (7/10)



  1. Tactics were shocking not one shot on target
  2. So I upset u all by saying the Manager needs to up his game . Pathetic
  3. As I said after the StJ game he needs to up his game or GTF
  4. Hi ya ma pal . It would seem his lack off quality signings will bite him on the bum . I don’t expect him to at the club after new year
  5. How would u know he’s a decent player has showed nothing yet
  6. Spot on the second half tactics were pure rubbish inviting Saints on to us made it easy for them . Take the win move on but the manager needs to up his game
  7. Her family are big big Well fans home and away
  8. How has Feely managed to get on the board he was all for throwing the society under a bus
  9. Well Fan 91 are u trying to say we should just give up trying to compete ? Btw nice guys win nothing
  10. That’s his job and wouldnae been hard to sign better than what he did . Instead of quality he signed quantity to fill up the treatment room
  11. You mean the truth take yer heed oot the sand
  12. More excuses for the manager typical Well fan outlook . He signed the players at his disposal everybody knew we needed a striker and a holdin midfielder with quality . There is no one to blame except the manager but the fans will probably accept another losing run like last season
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