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Everything posted by Modernist

  1. Modernist


    Know what your saying bud. Sad state of affairs IMO....... I see clowns like that every day, must admit that it gives me a guid laugh though...........
  2. Modernist


    Drove down to Tesco earlier on. Passed by the fives courts at Wishy sports centre and saw about a dozen of the so called 'Bumble Bee' efforts. Not my scene but hey ho.......... I've got a 'FULL' family over the back from me who constantly wear the 'poops' 7 days a week....... Quite embarrassing as far as I'm concerned................
  3. Modernist


    Quite right too mate. Grown men shouldnae wear fitba taps IMO tae the fitba................ Tis ok fur the gairden duties though............
  4. My Da worked down there for a while in the 70's. He bought me a strip back, had a soft spot for them ever since.
  5. I know Neil Henderson who runs The Hideaway Club down there, never been as it's on the same night as us. He stays in Fife now, all round good guy, fucking superb DJ, just a pity he supports Man U
  6. Boooooooo !!!! Don't blame you right enough, we'll gub them. Confident A Go Go.
  7. Bet you a score we win................. The loser pays it into the team sponsorship thead & if it's a draw, then we pay a tenner a head............ Deal or No Deal ????????
  8. The fact of the matter is, if the club were making money from housing the Mould Squirm in the Cooper then we wouldn't be in there. Simple as that. They didn't, so we've got it back (for now) Time to move on gents................
  9. No they didn't..............
  10. Highlights are supposed to be on MUTV tomorrow. 7:30pm or thereabouts.
  11. Modernist

    Jim O Brien

    Pretty good........ Nice 'n' Soulfull.................. Well done Jim..........
  12. I was at Fir Park getting tickets for the game this morning. The Cooper suite will not be open on Sunday but if you fancy a pre match drink, all are welcome to go to the Centenary Suite.
  13. My thoughts exactly.......... I stopped going to Fir Park altogether (would have been my 30'th season as a Dosser) because of John Boyles stupid decision. Anyway, times change and the Cooper is back to Well fans only. For what it's worth, I've been pleasantly surprised by the way JB has handled his custodianship of the club recently........ It's the start of a new era under Jim Gannon so let's all move forward. Onwards and Upwards..... From a Cooper season ticket holder........
  14. John 'Sailor' Hunter is 'THE' legend of Motherwell FC........... ( the club should know that surely) Outwith that, we're playing a friendly against Manchester United (reserves, youth team ? who knows !!! ) Busby wisnae a Dosser, so I don't really care about him to be honest............ I will repeat though............ I wonder how many of our local 'councillors' will dip into their own pockets to see the game................... Jolly A Go Go for them.........
  15. Why don't we all get in to the 'friendly' for free then since both North and South Lanarkshire Councils are involved in this ? I wonder how many of our local 'councillors' will dip into their own pockets to see the game................... Why no mention of John 'Sailor' Hunter ?
  16. I'll be there unfortunately....................
  17. I was thinking along the lines of Jim Gannons ''Trialist Squad''
  18. A mate of mine is a Hibs fan. He said we were playing them today at East Mains. Lost 2-0 apparently. Wonder what the team was..........
  19. Both zines are probably taken for granted in this internet age............
  20. Won't be at the gig but I'll be flyering outside the Civic for a few things from 6:45 - 7:45 then need to head to Starka......... We kick off at 8pm likes. Here's a better copy of The Snake.
  21. MP this Saturday. Be good to see you.
  22. Either that or ''The Snake'' Guid shout for when 'Noah' (or anyone else the Well fans hate !!) comes back to the Ark eh.............. Would please a few on here anyhow............
  23. Have you never thought of trying to contact any of the two 'fanzine' editors ? They might be willing to help out. The return of Pie on Pies or Fatpunk the Mod.........
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