Absolutely superbly coached performance,fact if that was sk team it would have been negative backs to the wall performance,full credit to the players and coaching staff,what a turnaround in a short time.magnificient.
Still early doors this game as we seen in midweek with killie,early doors in wimmers management post but by fuck in the short team the staff have had the team set up,tactics and shape and balance of team is remarkable,here's hoping we don't throw it away and benefit from the break and more coaching on the training ground and maybe ap back to see how wimmet fits him in to the team and show what he can offer.
Maybe nothing,but thought I seen an exchange of words between Thomson and management team,didn't look like Thomson was happy,another thing anyone any idea of employment terms for management team.
Obviously disappointed with result,not overly disappointed with performance especially second half,lots of work to do but we knew that,manager will learn more from game time rather than training ground,big home matches coming up and wins needed.
Wilson stood right off him and was pointing towards the overlap gave the guy an age to tee it up deliver his cross and where you would expect gordon to be it was sod and was out positioned and out jumped by a centre that's good in the air,schoolboy defending.
If you're not good enough to break into this squad at this time it doesn't look great for future,age should be no barrier to first team involvement,name me one player to look out for?
I should have made myself a lot more clearer, we have a squad of over 30 and brought in how many loans and apart from Miller and Wilson no one at present from the academy can make the bench.