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Everything posted by Benson

  1. Nae commentary just stats and opinions on players,total fannies.
  2. William hills offering 3/1 one shot on target for the well.fill yer boots. Well done 10 out of 10.
  3. God that was a long piece of pish u posted.
  4. Koutrimbus must be fucking murder along with the other guy at morton,yes he's injured but still wouldn't be playing and moses and robinson,although also Robinson is injured but still wouldn't be playing,looks like sk still doesn't know what the fuxks going on,hopefully I will eat my words.
  5. Thats a right picknmix, no kaleta,maswanhisi,davor,or the ex rangers guy but tav,ares must have shown plenty in training ground, lol and fat tony is back.
  6. Even Lennon starting to look like a pissed off bog standard player playing in that environment,before me know it he'll be gone for a couple of hundred grand.
  7. "The reality is","most teams", it's like some sort of excuse to defend professionals who can't do the simplest of basic footballing skills and a manager that sets up at home not to lose and a fuck to entertaining, this coming from a ceo who wants to attract pay as you go fans to sit in a cold seat and look to the sky and wonder if you've done the right thing in paying 50 quid for you and your son to watch fu king drivel,so to your last point u don't see it driving fans away,it has me.
  8. We take off ap who to my eyes needs someone to play up front and close to him but was totally isolated first half and replace him with 2 up front in Robinson and watt, fucking bonkers,
  9. Watt and paton yer clutching at straws.
  10. Doesn't matter about other teams, we've had media pushing for more to turn up to games,I was long term season ticket holder but due to work commitments I pay when I can attend,now I've lost the habit as the entertainment value is zero and yes it's probably the same a lot of time elsewhere but I'm getting old and just can't be fucked
  11. When you set up in a negative system with mostly defensive minded players with no intensity and let the other team settle and find their way into the game you get what you deserve, ffs we should be at it from the off especially at home against a struggling team but with the majority with that defensive mindset will never do that for you then the balance between attack and defense is out of sync.
  12. Not to worry lads the players will be laughing and joking midweek when the media team turn up and ask them some daft questions.
  13. Would love to see the stats for season with our shots on target, must be very low, add to that we're very boring to watch.
  14. Clueless, negative,boring, uninspiring,disgracefull.what the fuck is going on, thought last week was bad but holy fuck that was the pits.
  15. Would love to see the stats for season with our shots on target, must be very low, add to that we're very boring to watch.
  16. Would love to see the stats for season with our shots on target, must be very low, add to that we're very boring to watch.
  17. Plan b coming up throw on moses,Robinson and watt and get them to run around.
  18. Hanging him out to dry, bang on, any decent striker would struggle,really do feel for him, it's a thankless job
  19. Fans need to take responsibility for themselves, don't need to be Einstein to work out it would be a nightmare travelling to dingwall.spfl useless but some need to switch their brain on.
  20. First half decent without creating too much against a nervy rangers,second half v poor sat so deep our midfield was parked just in front of defence and a huge gap to front two, out ball was a punt up park which inevitably came back to us,set up defensively and got what was coming, thought Lennon had poorest game and kaleta our mom.
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