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  1. Been talking about this today. There is a general spineless feeling which I dont think has been at the club since back in the Malpas era.
  2. Okay at least this rules Frail out of getting the gig full time.
  3. I'm starting to wonder about this guy. The club in general just feels flat. I know Burrows had his critics but under him you could see the club moving. The media effort was top notch, the club was appearing more professional, and absolute media meltdowns like this were avoided. Given Caldwell's handling of this I dont think he will have a great deal of currency in the bank if he screws up the recruitment over the next few weeks.
  4. I think the accusations of abuse are being taken out of context. It isn't nice I get that but I think its just the next phase in the wee tantrum hes been having over the last few weeks. If his family were attending games then they would have been in earshot of the wide ranging feedback he was receiving from the paying customers. Rightly or wrongly no manager is immune to stick from the stands, and from our main stand in particular. The reality is if I was a manager I don't think I'd have my close family in the stand but that's just my outlook. The abuse isn't any more than any other manager in a rough patch has recieved. Take Stevie Robinson who was being labelled an imposter at the end (he was anything but). I've never disliked Kettlewell, I wish him the best, but he was never the man to take the club forward in my view. Time to dust down and move on. Stephen Frail is not the one to do that.
  5. 100% we seen that early on, we got a grip of it in the first half as we saw. Low possession but controlling things to an extent but the second half is just so disheartening. Sadly a story we have all read before I guess. Not sitting here raging, more thinking about what could've been had we been a bit more adventurous in the second half. Whatever the gaffer has said at half time hadn't produced the goods.
  6. Second half was shocking. When Sevco scored it was one of the most woeful performances I've seen. Just seemed there was absolutely no get up and go to try and wrestle it. With six minutes added time I hoped that would've recharged but absolutely nothing.
  7. Whilst by no means a bad thing, I am not really sure it is an overly significant milestone to be honest.
  8. After a positive opening spell we just folded. Defensively poor throughout. Feel for Miller, on another day he would've scored those.
  9. Absolutely terrific goal followed up by utterly incompetent defending.
  10. Okay let's park the bus issue to one side (no pun intended) but the reality is there is absolutely f*** all in Ravenscraig at the moment to run a bus to. There is no commercial value in transport links at the moment. However if selecting a site out of what is the largest single brownfield site in Scotland, I doubt one right slap in the middle would be the choice (like where the council dropped the sports centre). If I'm not mistaken there are plans for the road by Dalzell or suchlike to serve as another route into the craig. I think the idea that the place is far away is based on the idea we would all need to March down and under the railway bridge. But if the new road is put in place (which it will be I believe) it is pretty much just an extension of that part of the town. Now having never lived in Motherwell personally may impact my view but I feel like Ravenscraig is very much Motherwell and part of the towns, albeit historical, identity. I'm sure some genuine locals will disagree with me though. The area next to the college once opened up by the new road is going to make very little difference in terms of is proximity to where anyone has a few jars pre match, or add any more than a few minutes to that post match job down to Airbles station. Once I win euro millions ill build us a new stadium and training campus in return for a space on the board 👌 😂. Elsewhere the Dundee model is being discussed and as much as I don't particularly have any love for them I think if that happens it looks massively positive for the future of the game with the whole masterplan.
  11. Thanks, I can only take credit for the hunter and odonnell stands in the mockup. I have made a few others over the years. I think if the footprint was correct it could potentially fit. As it is anyway I am sure MFC own the houses which are in the way of a full length stand.
  12. Putting an economics and business hat on a move is a no brainer. That said I'd rather a medium term programme of replacing the POD stand and Hunter stand with something similar to the Cooper, which would make Fir Park a very tight, enclosed and tidy wee ground. In relation to the Phil Odonnell stand, that is probably something both achievable and pretty necessary in the short term. The Hunter stand less important but still a well designed structure would give the club more space to play with for covered player/corporate facilities. Here is a mock up I done a few years back...
  13. This is all a bit tinpot in my view. In the balance of things I have questioned the influence/presence of the Dickie family on the board (which has been a feature of MFC as long as I can remember) and also been really critical of the Well Society at times. But, this is just airing dirty laundry in public. The club should remove the statement (mind you it's done now, it's in cyberspace) as that is needless. All that should have been posted was a notice that he had resigned and moved on...like any other director of any organisation. That said, there is a sense of entitlement throughout that statement (maybe it's a family thing, his father seemed to stand at the tunnel every home game when he was alive...no idea why). And the Well Society "pack" business around board placements...board appointments are a matter for an AGM/EGM to my understanding. The ripples of the last years events are still moving through the club I think.
  14. Been a while since I was actually "StirlingDosser" so I suppose this is a call to arms really...are there many fellow Well fans working out in Abu Dhabi/Dubai? It would be good to get a few gatherings in to watch some of our games and a few jars in if there is even a small group of us out here.
  15. Well I have to question why we are dishing them out a new contract right now. Surely it would have been more sensible to get past the winter break to see if they are going to deliver or not? I don't have anything against Kettlewell however I think to award a new deal on the back of a couple of wins this early on on the season is a bit premature.
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