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Everything posted by StirlingDosser

  1. I loved that playoff game for a few reasons. 1. The absolute demolition of that lot, 2. It put to bed some theory among parts that we are like Killie and somehow h**s without the bus fare and 3. Fir Park was rocking in a way I haven't seen since.
  2. Dont think it looks too bad when youre in the ground to be honest. Wish we had a home support big enough to fill right enough. Not sure how I feel on renaming stands. If a stand was bulldozed and rebuilt fair dos but I think it can be a token gesture. The PoD stand for example still referred to as the Main Stand. I agree with other posters...shouldn't be named after anything to do with 1991. We need to celebrate other aspects of our history as well.
  3. Place just had a much cleaner look without it! Hopefully we can get back to it. As I said earlier, I think a club crest or some club branding on ad-free roofs would smarten the place up but hey, who knows how long the current advertising deals have to run. Cash Convertors may even have ran out and it costs more to take it down than leave it up, after all they haven't been the club sponsor for quite a few years now. (Can only take credit for the second photo here, no idea where I got the first one)
  4. I actually thought the place looked good when the South and the Davie Cooper were advert free on the roofs. But still revenue is revenue. Could be worse. Falkirk and St Mirren paint adverts on thr stairs
  5. Stand looking great. Like a few on here I think the amber bit is a tad out of place. I think it would look far more uniform just all claret. I get we rely alot on advertising revenue, but if that rancid cash convertors signage on the roof was removed, the club name and crest in the centre of the stand would look great. Mind you their sponsorship has been over for a while now so Id imagine another firm will take up the advertising space soon enough. Only other thing I'd hope for is those LED advertisments trackside. Those look pretty cool when they go all the way round the park. I assume the Phil O'Donnell is next? Will be interesting to see if they can fit new seats in there given how tight the steps are.
  6. Well given the pish we have seen when there has been doubt over league status I wouldn't hold my breath for much from this lot.
  7. I don't think it will make a huge difference. For example myself I now attend around 4 games a season tops for a few reasons. Combination of issues mean I can't make it very often. This season I've bought streaming passes for at least 10. I believe there will be quite a few like me! Potentially the club hasn't lost out massively on ticket revenue this season. It will be interesting to see the figure come the end of the season? The core 4 thousand at Fir Park I struggle to see changing.
  8. There was somewhat a bit of naievety about Barraclough though. Alexander seems to have a proper axe to grind in his approach. More grit Nd fight about him. I don't think he's the type to be taking any passengers that's for sure and it is pretty clear that a number of players will be out the door this summer and rightfully so.
  9. I'm sure I head around these parts that pays well...
  10. How long has Charles Dunn left on his contract? He has put a shift in for us in the past so it is a shame to see him rotting away due to injury, but just shows how fragile a career it is. That said as a club we cannot justify him on the books indefinitely, 19 months without a game is a long time, injury or no injury, so a decision is going to have to be made.
  11. The three of them are imposters. Clearly couldn't give a toss about our club. Our two international celebrities can beat it in particular, their lack of effort in claret and amber is remarkable.
  12. I despise both cheeks of the erse. I dread it when we play them, home or away. None less though when our there are 5,000 of them behaving like a bunch of absolute reprobates in our stadium, a fair portion of them from Motherwell. What was remarkable though was Steven Gerrard and co hanging our the changing room windows on Edmiston Drive and then up at the gates encouraging it. It is hilarious that yet again they have sent letters and made noise about a big bad man doing it and running away whilst playing the victim regarding government statements. To hell with them. I am glad that 10 in a row never happened as it would've been a disgrace. In fact, anything over 2 in a row is a national disgrace to the game. I just wish someone other than the blue lot had stopped them. Thought for years that the two Edinburgh clubs and Aberdeen have the potential resources and fanbase that if they got a grip they could put a serious challenge up but the mentality in Scottish football is absolutely howfin.
  13. I didn't mean any offence, I don't doubt the work that went into it but I stand by my opinion, the club crest is more professional looking for a top-flight football club and should be used on our playing kits. In fact, I think it should be league rules that the club crest is on the kit. I'm not saying don't have this kind of stuff on show at all, a retro range permanently on sale might go down well, just not on our playing kits. Also I made a typo re the claret sash, a white/amber sash on a claret shirt is what I meant. That would look good, and something I don't think we have seen before.
  14. As I say every year whatever the design it should have the proper club crest and NOT the retro MFC lettering. Might be historic for the club - but it is retro for a reason. Looks amateur and hideous. This season's shirt has been the best home kit I can remember. Everything about it has full marks from me, the collar, the design and the material. I get why we make a new one every season for revenue purposes but if we can broadly replicate this season's I'd buy it again. As for a new away, I'd like to see an all claret shirt with maybe a white and claret diagonal band, with white shorts. Don't generally buy the away top but open to being persuaded! We have had a few horror kits in recent times - pretty much every shirt which had cash convertors on it (that alone would put you off, but hey it was a good sponsorship deal I'm led to believe), along with some of the hideous collars that Macron are capable of producing! For anyone interested this is a good record of our kits over the years: https://www.oldfootballshirts.com/en/teams/m/motherwell/old-motherwell-football-shirts-t171.html
  15. Stephen O'Donnell in the record today "If we don't win it then it's no dramas". I know I'm only quoting one line of the story but that has horrified me. If that's your approach then I'd forget about football altogether and pursue a career which is not in competitive sport.
  16. Every low point we have there is the usual knee-jerk reactions on websites about how its the worst squad in years etc etc. But on this occasion I feel it is genuinely a bit different. Anger has to be directed at this current squad who are contributing absolutely nothing to this football club. I have never seen a bigger bunch of passengers in my time watching the club. Baraclough's squad had some talent in it. Hell even Malpas's squad had some talent and fight in it as the same players went on to win third the following season under Muttley McGhee. The present squad feels very much like what I associate largely with Killie and Hibs about 6 years ago - lacklustre and just here for a job, nothing more. If I was within the club hierarchy I would have the club staff list pinned to the dressing room wall as it isn't the players jobs at risk - they can feck off and find other clubs - our staffing that would be trimmed is what is at stake, these guys may struggle given the economic crisis that is inbound is going to make the 2009 credit crunch look like a lottery win. Only draw of relegation I can think of is the opportunity to play and absolutely scud Airdrie if they somehow come up to the championship. On the other hand I see Dundee Utd as the club most similar to ourselves in terms of club size, resources, achievement potential etc and it took them a few years to come back up. That's what concerns me the most As has been said above Motherwell have had it very comfortable pretty much my whole life. Maybe that spark that we have that has set us apart from other teams our size is going out? The past 20 years there has always been a core group of experienced players passionate for the club with a good relationship with the support. That isn't there at the moment (that's going to take years to rebuild) and that's perhaps why this low feels a bit different to the other ups and downs. That said, I don't think we will go down. The media seem to be going all out on Kilmarnock at the moment.
  17. These videos are great. Chris Long is a hard one to listen to right enough.
  18. The manager said "up until the first goal there wasn't much in it". That is an absolutely ridiculous comment. The first goal was at 7 minutes. I turned it off after the third goal. What a waste of 12 quid at a time when like everyone I'm scraping the barrel. The squad will be fine. They'll go home, chill and roll into training next week. Then move onto new clubs or jobs while leaving our club in a mess feeling nothing because they are nothing but a spineless shower. Not seeing anyone in the squad who truly has this club at heart at the moment. In past years we had the Lasleys, Craigans and Hammells of this world to name a few who so clearly loved this club. There is noone in this team who I get that vibe from and it shows. Even down to 10 men I'd expect more. There is a batch of individuals at this club who need to go. Managers are hounded out, why can't players be run out the same...?
  19. Ravenscaig is one of, if not the, largest brownfield sites in Europe I believe. Any stadium I imagine would be close to the current edge of Motherwell. If the streets are connected up as per the plans it shouldn't make much difference to the majority for journeys to Fir Park v new site.
  20. Whos to say that a supermarket is the best option? Given the rise in house prices in Motherwell recently (I looked last year, some of the prices were outrageous for a flat pack Taylor Wimpey effort), surely developing Fir Park as an upmarket housing estate is the better option? There is definitely demand. If the club had a hand in the sale of each plot it could work out better value surely. People may also be underestimating the size of FP's footprint. We have the astro area and the large amount of dead space between the South Stand and Dalzell Drive to factor in as well. Really we shouldve went at the same time as the college. There was talk of another access road going in from I presume the side of the Dalzell or thereabouts linking up with the access road for Motherwell College. (Almost wrote the new college but its been there 10 years now). If the club were in that zone the arguments about lack of accessibility don't sit as unless you live in the surrounding Fir Park streets your journey time isn't going to change all that significantly.
  21. Between re roofing it and this latest freshen up we have spent a fair wad of cash on something that should probably be bulldozed and rebuilt in the near future as the East Stand has been a shitehole for ever I can remember. This is a good move though and pleased to see we are actively taking care of the place and hopefully the timescale for other improvements isn't too far off. I will never forget what an absolute pigsty Love Street was allowed to get into before St Mirren moved and the state of Pittodrie and two sides of Dens. That said, if it sticks a plaster on the Hunter Stand for another 10-15 years surely the club will look at a redevelop for the Main Stand. Surprised it meets H&S criteria with the wooden decking and that's just just start. Not to mention the seats and how far we are behind other clubs with our hospitality offering. I've always been in the move to anew stadium camp but if it is feasible to improve the ground in stages that will be every bit as pleasing. As a club we are in the fortunate position that rebuilding the Phil O'Donnell wouldn't need us to decant as the remainder of the stadium has adequate provision to cater for the club over any construction period.
  22. A number of core players need to be shown the door and youngsters promoted. Certainly can't be worse than these absolute flaps claiming to be professionals. If anyone seen Robinsons interview on not the old firm he pretty much made it clear there is is host of players that don't want to be there and think they are better. At the end of the day we could be relegated and players will move on. Even in this pandemic. Our supporting staff staff inevitable redundancies might not have it so good. So yes, this lot can ram it. I can't comment On how we are playing as its the end of the month, so I'm skint like most and can't justify throwing away money to watch a team with no fight. This is worse than the Malpas season.
  23. Good point. I think sitting so deep is very dangerous and seems like we have not learned lessons of the past. So sigh of relief when that whistle went.
  24. Can't get my head round taking Watt off. Mate claiming goal should have been offside? Nonetheless the depth we are sitting is a bloody joke.
  25. Fair to say we've had a number of howlers at our own accord in Paisley. Scottish cup knockout one year, Craigan stepping up and scoring one of his obligatory own goals that evening. The first half yesterday was, credit where due, one of the better performances this season. We passed well and moved forward with a reasonable confidence. Our ability to finish though is still a hairpuller and Tony Watt should've absolutely burst the net. As has been said, it was never a penalty but it was a bit chaotic in the box at that point. I just think any contact in the box nowadays is totally fraught with danger. The new goalie certainly gave us a lift, and St Mirren's keeper made a couple of cracking saves himself on what was a few good shots on target. I felt from the offset in the second half though we seemed to be a fair bit deeper. Which is bloody frustrating to watch and costs. The most frustrating part though was the St Mirren commentary, you'd think they were Barcelona taking on Stenhousemuir. We could learn a thing or two though from the setup, the studio/interview thing they had going on pre match and at half time is something we could get on with and enhance our own online TV offering.
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