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Everything posted by Thunderlips

  1. What's going on with Morris? Is he injured? Noticed he didn't even feature in our last reserve match.
  2. Casey won absolutely everything. Very pleased with him and Butcher in defence.
  3. I'm really sad to see Hammell go as I really wanted him to do well. I hope he can still somehow be part of the club in the future.
  4. Love the enthusiasm. I wish more of us would give Motherwell the same backing. COYW!
  5. I actually like this season's kit because it is something a bit different.
  6. With Dundee going down would you take anyone from them?
  7. I find folk that follow Motherwell that would rather we didn't compete in Europe baffling. Surely you want to test yourself against anyone regardless of calibre? I find the more obscure the team the more fun tbh. Obviously a trip to the Nou Camp or San Siro would be fantastic but we need to at least try and beat the teams before that becomes a possibility. This negative attitude towards our team based on past efforts helps nobody but I guess some people just love to moan.
  8. Well I don't think he'd fancy joining at team that's playing in a division lower than us.
  9. Really? I'd love a claret away strip this year.
  10. We should've just went for it. Rangers on the ropes. Surprised he took Amaluzor off. He's been good since coming on.
  11. What happened? Unable to watch today.
  12. Not good for him if he can't hack it at championship level.
  13. His twitter definitely implies he's married. https://twitter.com/32watto?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
  14. One of the best Motherwell perfomances I've ever seen. Shame there is no way to ever watch the game back.
  15. What happened to Solheim? Noticed he went off early yesterday.
  16. I wonder if that means other players will be leaving.
  17. I would hope so, but I can see Clarke keeping Patterson in. Maybe give Kelly a start?
  18. I really liked the look of the 1989 one. I tried looking for real life photos of it as it was before my time, to no avail.
  19. Haha I unironically loved that strip.
  20. No chance that one's coming without a sponsor on it is there?
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