I found out of the current 33 man squad only 12 have contracts for next season.
Aston Oxborough - 2027
Liam Gordon - 2026, Kofi Balmer- 2026, Johnny Koutrombis- 2026, Stephen O'Donnell- 2026, Ewan Wilson- 2027
Lennon Miller- 2026, Tom Sparrow - 2026, Sam Nicholson- 2026,
Twanda Maswanhise- 2026, Zach Robinson- 2026, Apostolos Stamatelopolous- 2027
2 of the guys out on loan have deals utill 2026
Dylan Wells and Fillip Stuparevic
So 14 under contract for next season and I'd probably be looking at moving 2/3 of them on as well.