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Everything posted by Geedub

  1. Is there really any need for this? You say RIP but is this really letting him RIP?
  2. How the fuck can you say that when he's part of the second best defence in Scotland at the moment? Before Brown came in I thought he was past it as well but it was obviously the fact that Gannon was a total wank towards him having an effect on his game.
  3. What's the reasoning with the half finished L shaped stand? Similar reason to our main perhaps? Edit: I know it's finished now but in the older pics? It just looks ridiculous!
  4. I was more gutted when we lost in the semi against Celtic. That's the closest I've came to crying over a game of football.
  5. Does your shift key not work? Genuine Question.
  6. Geedub


    google maps is your friend
  7. Can't believe I'm missing this. I have a season ticket and I'm stuck in the house
  8. Geedub

    St Mirren

    Sutton was very good tonight but Jennings was excellent. The only time I noticed him make a mistake he went and won the ball back and played a good pass. He's on some fuckin' form just now.
  9. I think Thompson had a home win on his coupon today. He gave as fuck all!
  10. I was aye. Thats the first time the internets worked on my phone when I've been at the fitba. Well that was a hard fought win. St J must be feeling hard done by tonight Yassss
  11. the well boys are doing my fuckin tits in. Same song over and over and over
  12. Place is so quiet because we're not losing and Fitzy's injured Wonder what folk are taking their anger out on?
  13. I was thinking the exact same when I was walking home.
  14. I voted for both Your poll making skills are weak.
  15. Ruddy MotM once again. That was horrendous today. We can pass brilliantly on our tatty field yet give us a great surface to play on and we can't pass for shit
  16. He very rarely goes up for a header and doesn't win it. I can't remember the last time I seen him lose out on a header actually.
  17. Allan McGregor Sex Offender?
  18. Your link is fucked mate http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8451831.stm
  19. Sadly, I believe this is how the game will go.
  20. Geedub


    Know whit's amazing? A buttered roll 'n' pie. They should start selling them!
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