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Katie last won the day on February 25 2018

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Pushing for the First XI

Pushing for the First XI (5/10)



  1. Not all that keen. Might grow to like it.
  2. If I remember correctly the design for last year’s away strip was strikingly similar to a mock up of yours?
  3. Really impressive! Looking forward to seeing it progress.
  4. We’re going to be bottom six aren’t we
  5. As usual with Motherwell it’s the hope that kills you!
  6. Missing three penalties is criminal. As is losing four goals in the first half.
  7. We just doing away with twitter updates, aye?
  8. Especially in light of hearts’ goal last week where it appeared Gallagher had been fouled. As ever, it’s the inconsistency of such decisions that’s frustrating.
  9. Personally, I find the tone of most of the twitter output really grating. Without match updates I don’t see much point in it.
  10. The state of some of these posts. The club has (or at least did have) a database that, in theory, only allowed ‘proven’ Motherwell fans with a track record to buy tickets for games versus the old firm, and people were turned away regularly. What you can’t legislate for are Motherwell fans who then buy Celtic/rangers fans tickets on their behalf - and it happened more regularly than you would think.
  11. When I said I wanted more twitter updates, this isn't what I meant.
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