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and to think that in our stands nobody was touching those.I thinks the stacks are still there as we speak .
me and other steaua fans here, and across the romanian sites, specifically said that there is no reason to start the racism, rivalry, prejudice and god know what else, with the well's scots, simply because we have nothing to share with you and most of all :we admire your way of treating this footie passion. When we rounded the stadium , two of the wells fans - around twenty-something - were really drunk and couldnt find their gate, one of them dropped his wallet and instead of running with it - as others would expect - I picked it up and gave it to the other friend which seamed more sober, and then showed them how to get to their gate. the cops are really retarded over here, so dont question they way of acting.They are peps from the country side that came to Bucharest for a better income. we had southampton here a few years back , and the foocking press started talking about some conflicts between us and them because they share the same colours as our fierce-rivals, Dinamo.And the Southampton were also quite content, but when they got here we invited them to a place near the stadium and gave them a good time, bought them beer a.s.o.. I remember they started a little samba train ))...but after the game the same press started talking about racism cause some rednecks insulted a Southampton player. this happened also with the villa and liverpool fans in the 90s, but cant tell that from my own experience cause I was just a shortie. we treat with great respect those that show us respect! but we fuck up those that don't.( like our hungarian friends ).
regarding the last picture, ..no...youre not in the middle ages, nor an earthquake occured recently.they planned to fix the street, cause it looked pretty bad before ( better than in the picture tho ), but when they digged in order the set the foundation, they discovered some old relics, artifacts from back in the 1700 - 1800's and decided to leave it to the historical peps.now they plan to have that covered with glass, so you can walk on that and see the relics underneath... for the the tourists..you know...just to make things clear the score board showed some 20500 something, give or take.
this is called a turkish bath, and It's the same since I started attending the home games back in early 90's.Actually I think this was build by the ottoman empire and then they build the stadium around it.
I had some troubles finding this : And he did! he did gave you some tough times... I dont know hes stats , by I think they were pretty impressive,he was very accurate and clinical. His name : Andrei Ionescu ( the little guy in the middle of the field ).The press over here already compares him to Andrea Pirlo ( not really, but maybe in a couple of years who knows ). Heres one in action : the teams looked like this : I was pretty disappointed with the low mw fan attendance.I was told from Glasgow that you will come at least 1000, because you have few international games, and when you do you make the best of it : this one is with my phone : and this one from the newspaper guys : I think we may have a chance to top your presence ( I never tought this might be possible ). in the end : Thanks Craigan !
/\ no, it won't. I'm still @ work for bout 15 mins, and then off to the other side of the city in a rush, trying to find a parking space as closest to the stadium as possible. here the stadiums only have a few hundred parking lots...the rest to 15k ...they dont care
aaaw, he mixed the two together ! went to bucharest to see the game and brought the old hag for a trip.typically scottish ) why pay for the trip twice? tighter than a crabs arse...I say. )
twins? you mean like this : ?
some pics : This one was taken in a central office in Bucharest, where I work : And this guy is supposed to give you some hard times tomorrow night :
why?, is the saturday service still alive and kicking? those lads should take this trip as a well deserved holiday if they come here and enjoy the game and the weather.remember..almost anyone can understand what you are talking ( unless you have a really shitty accent ).And on the other hand respect the fans that will travel to Glasgow to attend the game.Their wage is 6-7 times less than yours and they still find resources to travel.cut the bs.
Short Video on a romanian network taken from BBC
in FM09 yes...in real life...not really
Some info on how to get to the stadium, since its located on the outskirts of the city somewhere in the west south-west part of the city : - from Unirii Square ( Piata Unirii ) take bus 385 straight to the Stadium ( around 11 stops...ask around )...if you are located @ Universitatii Square ( Piata universitatii ) you can either walk to Unirii Square ( 10 mins walk ) and take 385, or take troley 69 until you reach Drumetu or Tricodava stop and walk from there to the stadium ( also 10 mins walk ). - from Presei Libere Square ( Piata Presei Libere ) / World Trade Plaza take tram 41 straight to Ghencea stadium ( also around 12 stops ).you will pass by Giulesti Zoo that looks like a Stadium.don't get down there.Wait until you'll reach Ghencea - From 21 Decembrie Square take bus 122 straight to Ghencea click on the thumbnail and then again on the pic for large view
Hi guys! 1st let me wish you a nice trip to those of you travelling over here, today and tomorrow. I have a contact @ work from Erskine and he told me way before the home game with Flamutari, that you will overturn the result. ( altough he wasnt expecting such a margin ). We know you're a bit rubbish away, but you stand your ground @ home.So let hope we'll do well in Ghencea and count on our good form when away ( since a lot of times we played better away than we did home - remeber the game with Betis Sevilla especially ). That's really not the case, since the crowd becomes more fierce when we play in 10 or when we are down by one or two... In case we will be down by one near the end of the game...yes...we will turn to our team. Certainly we dont have the late 80's team anymore, but Steaua usually plays a whole lot better in the European competitions than in the Romanian League.It's a mentality developed over the years, something that can be translated to : " no matter who you play with, you must to win the game ".And the fans are very demanding also. Really, this is definitely not the case! that was an isolated issue and had nothing to do with the majority of the fans.We as a people are not racist, simpy because we dont value people by skin.And the whole community is trying really hard to integrate the imigrants and the gypsies ( or rroma ) - which are considered as a main minority issue over here. Like that Xzibit song says - "enjoy your stay, welcome to L.A." I will say "enjoy your stay, welcome to Bucharest "...you have some places to visit, stick to the centre of the town, dont use cabs,use the bus the tram or subway, dont use other exchange places than the ones in banks, try using your credit cards as much as possible when paying for stuff ( dont use them to get money from the atm's - its risky ), dont make payments in euros because you will be tricked with the exchange rate, there some good places to eat ( you will be surprised for example that mcdonalds tastes pretty good compared to the western europe - can say from own experience ), dont engage gypsies on the streets they might be carrying a knife, if you want info look for white caucasians in their 20's 'cause almost all of them know english and last but not least : bring scarfs cause the fans here love swaping them