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Everything posted by AndrewK

  1. Juke should've done better there
  2. I didnt know that was an option
  3. I know I agreed earlier, but now I think about it, I think i would prefer the opportunity to jump on Novo
  4. Fuckin' missed it but fuckin yasss :D And aye, great play by O'Brien, more of the same please
  5. Just wide from a Hately FK there
  6. Hows that bastard McCulloch allowed in the studio. If yer banned then ye sit in the stand like everybody else surely
  7. I'd have to agree Hope the Duke can last a bit longer
  8. Im almost positive Brown and Knox signed, thinks they're talking pish, just for a change. Decent run from McGlinchey there.
  9. We dont seem to be doing to bad overall, tighten it up at the back a bit and we could be onto something with O'Briens crossing.
  10. Another quality croos from O'Brien for the Duke to sink...offdside though
  11. Good to see O'Brien trying to get into some space, stay onside and we could be onto something Didnt know it was that linesman though
  12. Decent cross from O'Brien there for the Duke
  13. I imgaine it'll go something like this Ruddy Hateley Saunders Craigan Hammell O'Brien Coke Jennings McGlinchey/Sutton Sutton/McGlinchey Jutkiewicz No idea where Sutton and MM will play, but I'm sure it'll be along those lines
  14. Jesus I knew there was someone missing but couldnt work it out I'm sure he was touch and go before the Hibs game, probably decided not to risk him.
  15. Motherwell: Ruddy, Hammell, Craigan, Coke, Jennings, Jutkiewicz, Sutton, O'Brien, McGlinchey, Hateley, Saunders. Subs: Fraser, Humphrey, Murphy, Fitzpatrick, Forbes, Hutchinson, McHugh. Rangers: Alexander, Edu, Weir, Papac, Davis, Boyd, Naismith, Whittaker, Miller, Broadfoot, Lafferty. Subs: Gallacher, Thomson, Novo, Smith, Fleck, Little, Stirling. Wasnt expecting to see McGlinchey starting. I've got a feeling we can take a draw here, hope it's enough. C'mon the 'Well
  16. With us getting a new supplier and apparently seeking a new sponsor, does this mean the kits and sponsors will marry up in the sense that we get 2 years from the kit? I hope so
  17. Don't be silly Click the wee arrow beside the views and check the 'honours' for the video Youtube
  18. AndrewK

    Sound Bite

    Cheers mate, 2nd one worked perfectly Cheers to Delboy as well
  19. It was so fucking good, they're still talking about it on SSN
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