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Everything posted by AndrewK

  1. AndrewK

    Sound Bite

    Unavailable? Whats the deal with that
  2. I disagree with that, he's got something to offer the squad IMO
  3. Tell me about it Will be the 1st time I've ever smiled through an exam Lukas
  4. It was so fucking good they showed it 3 times on SSN Nish was totally fucking speechless :lol:
  5. What.A.Fucking.Game What.A.Fucking.Goal I'm totally fucked nearly fell about a dozen rows down when Jutkiewicz slammed that in I've not got words to describe that, fucking chuffed to bits Lukas Jutkiewicz, I love you
  6. Jutkiewicz on for Forbes McGlinchey on for Sutton
  7. Got lucky again by the sounds of it (video didnt catch up )
  8. Mine just started, shit myself though, sounds like Brown(?) hit the bar and the post
  9. HT ; doesnt look like we've been playing too badly, dont see why we cant take this in the 2nd half
  10. Fuck thought we'd scored for a minute there
  11. The TVU player works well, just wish i could get it to match up with the radio
  12. Good to see Hutch back on the bench as well C'mon the 'Well
  13. AndrewK

    Jim O'Brien

    Apparently he hasn't signed anything as of yet : Clicky
  14. You're at the wind up, right? You point out his confidence is non-existant, yet you then proceed to tell him to get to fuck? Makes total sesne You're the one that should get to fuck if that's as intelligent as your input gets
  15. Can someone clear a few things up for me? Our second goal, Sutton, or a Zaliukas OG? Ths Sky sports score centre has it as an OG but the match report on the official site has it down as Sutton Was O'Brien booked? Similar to the above, Sky say yes, report says no
  16. Get it right up ye Hearts Europe is there for the taking
  17. What are we going to argue about this week lads?
  18. A couple of pics from the bounce game Clicky
  19. Any chance the (sub?)title of this thing could get changed? No need for it to be what is I dont think. But aye, try lending the guy some support at the weekend, it'll certainly help a hell of a lot more than abusing avery move the guy makes.
  20. AndrewK

    Dundee Utd

    Sutton for me, with Saunders and Hately not far behind
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