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Everything posted by AndrewK

  1. This Seemed a bit mental not to simply reshuffle and put Hately to RB, a position he's relatively familiar with on that pitch at least, and leave us with a semi-normal back 4 that we can build from, especially when we were chasing the game We seemed to be doing ok out wide anyway, so couldve even brought on Forbes for a chance in his preferred central position to show what he can do from there. Onwards and upwards I suppose
  2. This is the best thing I've read on here in days, well put mate. I dont see how everybody can get on his back about the 1st, it was clearly obvious he lost his footing as evidenced by the huge hole in the pitch and clump of grass/sand lying beside it. Ok, he maybe over-cooked the first touch a bit, but it was the right thing to do with the backpass bobbling as it was, and anyway, you dont go to clear a ball expecting the pitch to give way under you. As said above, could've happened to anybody. As for the other 2, I dont feel they are totally down to him either, mainly for similar reasons as stated above. An unmarked man at the corner is hardly his fault and the fact Humphrey sold himeslf on the halfway line has fuck all to do with Fraser. He'll probably be upset with that one more than the others which is fair in my opinion. Get off the guys case and show him a bit of encouragement at least. Ok, so he didnt have the greatest game in the world by any means but he's our player and doesnt deserve to be treated otherwise, the sarcastic cheers probably really boosted his confidence for the rest of the game. How can you expect an improvement when he gets pish like that. Even if you dont like him, he's the best we've got right now, so accept it . Our support is thick as fuck sometimes. Chin up big man
  3. Is this game on ESPN lads?
  4. Its either Milky/whatever the fuck he calls himself these days, or the famous IceRink, i cant decide which
  5. Has he ever had a run of games to get match sharp? Not that im aware of
  6. way hay some fucking sense for once
  7. AndrewK

    Giles Coke

    Piss off with the "get rid of <insert player>" threads everytime we lose a game, its growing old pretty damn fast From what i heard anyway he seemed to have a reasonably good performance, can't really ask a great deal more than that imo
  8. I hate Celtic I hate their poisoned dwarf of a fucking manager I hate their scummy fans I hate Aiden fucking McGeady I hate the fact they always play shite before they play us I hate how they are shite but still beat us and as of this evening I hate Josh fucking Thomson for being shite the other 364 days of the year Fuck Celtic
  9. Maybe just fed up of folk knocking lumps out of him?
  10. McGlinchey and Coke on Lasley and the Duke off
  11. Just to vent a bit of frustration here....FFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK Anyway, im sure we can get back into it, 3-2 'Well after a boot up the arse at half time
  12. Aboslutely fantastic start, never let Hearts into the game at all. Brilliant result overall, just disappointed to lose the goal in the fashion we did. Shows how far we've come though when we're disappointed to concede just one goal Oh, I've got one rating to give out for a certain Mr Elliot. 10/10...for having absolutely no footballing ability whatsoever terrible excuse for a football player
  13. Only just seen the score and .....fucking yess 'Mon the 'Well
  14. Tremendous stuff can we make it 3?
  15. Probably, but that wasnt the point
  16. Pleased with another 3 points and managing to continue the run Another good preformance from Murphy, put himeself about well again this week, and got himself another goal. Hope Jutkiewicz is back to 100% soon, although we have shown we can win without him. I just found it strange we played him when a) he isnt our player and b) he wasnt 100% in the first place. All in all though, pleased with the result and happy to get another 3 points on the board Also, im assuming it was on purpose, but I found it quite amusing when the sprinklers came on at half time and got the Killie subs
  17. No way the Accies guy was better, Halsman was quality
  18. Well done Jamie boy made the showboat
  19. AndrewK


    Jamie Murphy for me, put himself about well and showed some good touches, not to mention the goal Again though, good performance from everybody
  20. AndrewK


    I wouldnt even wish that on Plymouth fans
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