This is the best thing I've read on here in days, well put mate.
I dont see how everybody can get on his back about the 1st, it was clearly obvious he lost his footing as evidenced by the huge hole in the pitch and clump of grass/sand lying beside it. Ok, he maybe over-cooked the first touch a bit, but it was the right thing to do with the backpass bobbling as it was, and anyway, you dont go to clear a ball expecting the pitch to give way under you. As said above, could've happened to anybody.
As for the other 2, I dont feel they are totally down to him either, mainly for similar reasons as stated above. An unmarked man at the corner is hardly his fault and the fact Humphrey sold himeslf on the halfway line has fuck all to do with Fraser. He'll probably be upset with that one more than the others which is fair in my opinion.
Get off the guys case and show him a bit of encouragement at least. Ok, so he didnt have the greatest game in the world by any means but he's our player and doesnt deserve to be treated otherwise, the sarcastic cheers probably really boosted his confidence for the rest of the game. How can you expect an improvement when he gets pish like that. Even if you dont like him, he's the best we've got right now, so accept it . Our support is thick as fuck sometimes.
Chin up big man