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Everything posted by AndrewK

  1. AndrewK


    Sure Sheridan got 9 after Porter left?
  2. No deal for Spence as of yet, apparently we'll look at him at the end of the season. Clicky
  3. AndrewK


    Craigan for me, thought he was solid and showed some nice touches out out Hateley instead of hoofing it up the park every time. Pass marks to everyone though, excellent performance
  4. It didnt seem to look as bad as that ^^ from the Cooper IMO, but it certainly showed on the highlights (if there actually was any ). Would just like to see some sort of grass that doesnt need relayed every other month.
  5. First half was absolutly terrible, 45 minutes of non-stop throw-ins and ridiculous free-kicks. Second half was marginally better, but only just. A win is a win though C'mon 'eh 'Well
  6. 3-0 'Well Lukas, Sutton and Craigan to finally get on the end of a corner and hit the net
  7. I may be wrong, but is this the shirt in question?
  8. someone has far too much time on their hands impressive stuff nonetheless
  9. AndrewK


    Fan-fucking-tastic result Not been able to check the score until now and by god am I chuffed 'Mon eh 'Well
  10. AndrewK


    Motherwell team: Ruddy, Hammell, Reynolds, Craigan, Jennings, Jutkiewicz, Sutton, Lasley, Fitzpatrick, O'Brien, Hateley.
  11. Seems like too much good news today, is it all true? C'mon the 'Well
  12. http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/index.php?op...&Itemid=133 i'll believe it now
  13. This is a piss take, right
  14. It was mentioned on TV that there was scouts up looking at Reynolds, pretty sure it was Fulham and Blackburn
  15. AndrewK

    St Mirren

    Lasley for me. Pass marks for everyone, but Las was everywhere today
  16. Starting XI: Ruddy Hammell Reynolds Craigan Coke Humphrey Jutkiewicz Lasley O'Brien Hateley Saunders
  17. 3 brilliant goals, especially the first, what a move that was Quality celebration form O'Brien as well, hopefully more like it to come I see the rest of the team, Coke in particualr, were smart enough not to let him repeat it though Also, I see the Duke's celebration wasnt quite as spectacular
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