I agree with folk who said Coke was quite poor, probably down to tiredness, but those highlights show at least 2 (I think) tackles he put in to prevent definate goals, so fair play to him.
Forbes needs either rested or dropped IMO, not too sure which though. At times, he just looked like he thought he was running the place, when in reality, he wasnt actually that great. Whether thats down him getting a bit full of himself or just tiredness that brought on the poor passing, as I said I'm not too sure.
Moutaouakil could do with being reminded he's a defender at times, and although its good to see him going forward, he was definately posted missing at the back on a few occasions.
I've maybe been a bit harsh on Forbes there, but I'm sure we'll bounce back, hopefully next week and take 3 points from Falirk.