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Everything posted by AndrewK

  1. AndrewK


    Any ideas when there will be pics of the training gear available? Just being nosey now
  2. Got mine in the post today
  3. AndrewK

    Willie Kilmarnock

    Sad to hear of another loss R.I.P
  4. The first one here appears to be the closest to what you are looking for, may still have others in the shop right enough Club Shop
  5. Best of luck to the big man, hope all goes well for him
  6. According to the 'fishel site, he was indeed 26 'Fishel profile Edit: And yes, you are indeed correct about the number 13 top. Had an old program to hand from the Malpas era that lists Paul Keegan as number 13
  7. AndrewK


    What about the possibility of claret shorts intended for the away kit? Surely some mixing and matching could be done if thats the case
  8. AndrewK


    Belter of a strip, loving it About the away kit : 'Fishel site
  9. AndrewK


    Feck who said school should start at 9 gonnae miss it noo
  10. AndrewK


    Go on, do us a wee favour mate, a wee bit early
  11. AndrewK


    Is that not when the away kit was launched last year? Maybe the same idea this year then possibly?
  12. AndrewK


    Don't we get teasers for the training gear too
  13. AndrewK

    So It Begins...

    Should it not say "people will really start to see it take shape"?
  14. Went for Craigan, as we seemed to play so much better with him in the team. Over the Christmas period, we certainly missed him at the back. Very close between him and Clarky though but I feel the goals Craigan has prevented being scored against us have given more of a meaning to the goals Clarky has scored for us. (If that makes any sense it did in my head ) And no option for McLean? Harsh, he deserves a chance like evrybody else imo
  15. AndrewK


    Calm yir jets Actually, your 5 days closer to seeing the full thing, it's unveiled on monday morning And if your not that interested then whats the great problem for you, if you dont want to wear it or whatever, then it wont kill you to wait and see it like every body else, will it? The last bit is just stupid imo, use some common sense. The new strip is for the 09-10 season at least, and the last I checked, these games were part of the 09-10 season, so work it out ffs
  16. Best of luck to Big Boab, thought he was a reasonable player for us, some cracking free kicks etc.
  17. I'd take scoring a goal first
  18. Dont think I would mind Hamilton too much, it's the only way they are going to see european football any way
  19. Yass Chuffed to say the least C'Mon the 'Well
  20. AndrewK

    So It Begins...

    Looking forward to nest season already, with the new pitch and kits, and maybe a new player or 2
  21. I knew that was coming unfortunately though, the tent poles must be sold seperately
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