Fuckin quality
Thought it was quite a good performance all round, dont think anybody had a poor game. Special mention to O'Brien who worked has arse off, he was up and down both wings constantly and was even back covering for Quinn on a few occasions. I know he takes pelters for his crossing but it seemed slightly improved today, even one from his left foot that only needed somebody at the back post to bury it.
I thought Klimpl put in a good shift aswell, never scared to stick his head or a boot in, even got forward once or twice. The full back 4 get pass marks aswell, even Craigan after missing the clearance to let fat boy score. Totally aginst the run of play and they didnt deserve it one bit.
Fair play to Sutton, who obviously cant really work with Clarky, as he chased every ball and was fucked by 70 minutes. I wouldve preferred him off for Murphy and left O'Brien on the right but I suppose no harm came from it.
Congrats to Quinn too for burying his shot, some celebration
Was also great seeming the shower of shite getting escorted out the Cooper and there faces drop when we scored, made it even sweeter
Edit : just to add, I thought Fitzy had a great game (especially the 1st half) and put in some great tackles to break down a few attacks from the manky bastards, but still folk ripped into him for a bad pass, gie the guy a chance ffs