Our attendances this season have been extremely disappointing and is a continual bug bear of mine.
We have only spent 10 days of the entire season outside the top 3 and yet attendances have been poor at all times. I know that money and inconvenient kick off times play a factor but we had 16,000 at the final in May! About 30% of that I reckon were maws, sisters, aunties and general well wishers etc that you wouldn't expect to journey down to Fir Park every second week and about 40% would've been die hard regular attenders/season ticket holders but that still leaves a helluva lot of "lapsed" fans; Guys that would fall out with you if you dared suggest they were "part timers" but probably haven't been to a Motherwell game since Hampden that day! These people are a disgrace, and I can personally think of about a dozen folk I know who fall into this category, and you can bet your arse they'll all be at Fir Park if we get PSV etc in Europe!
If this season doesn't want to get the casual or lapsed fan back to Fir Park then nothing will.