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Everything posted by milo

  1. True. This is the worry. Saunders has just signed a decent contract so he will cost money. £250 -£300k or fuck off. Can't see Aberdeen parting with that for a full back. Jennings would also cost money, but only a small ammount due to his contract being up in the summer. I'd be hoping for £150k if he was to go, but could see him going for only £50k sadly. He would sign a pre-contract at his peril. Gow, possibly. Blackman I fear will be going back to Blackburn if anything. All speculation at this point. Brown is utterly shameless though so watch this space.
  2. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    I think the Motherwell fans have the right to pissed off, angry and upset about what Brown and Knox have done and the way they've gone about it. No-one is denying Aberdeen are potentially a bigger club, but that's not what's pissing people off! Sadly as always the vast majority of the media aren't even remotely interested in our side of the story (like our grievancies with McGhee when he left) and will rarely be aired as they are completely unwilling to look at the facts surrounding this farce and we're just going to be portrayed as bitter by anyone dreaming of criticising this "gentleman". The sports commentators have been queuing up to defend Brown and stick the boot into Motherwell.
  3. Would happily take a point but we have had a few good wins against Hearts in a row now so maybe we should be confident? I think the Mothewell players will be itching to get a game after all the call offs of late. Be good to get a good crowd and get right behind the team.
  4. As I stated in "Ins and Outs". Due to the nature of their contracts running out either in January or in the summer, Blackman, Gow, Fitzy, Reynolds, Jennings and Craigan could all be on his radar. Whether any of players we like to play for this lying toad again remains to be seen. I'd be seriously surprised, but then I'm still in shock at how last week panned out.
  5. Motherwell are the AA of Scottish football. Doesn't matter how you dress it up, we always seem to help struggling teams get a win! Even if by all means said team then go on to lose their next 4 or 5 and we then remian unbeaten in the same period!!!!! I am very worried about next Saturday for a number of obvious reasons. I really hope the Motherwell players have recovered sufficiently from the shock of those two unspeakables leaving and are fired up enough to ram a victory right up them!! Broon will know Motherwells strengths and weaknesses better than any other manager in the league which will be an obvious adavntage. That said, look at the shite he has to work with up there? Can he really turn them into a decent/reasonbale/capable team in the space of 7 days?!?!? Surely not?!?!?!
  6. I've been going to Motherwell games since 1984 and have never really been tempted to go to Pittodrie. But I'm going on Saturday I feel so strongly about it. I will be shouting myself absolutely hoarse with abuse, whilst cheering on the players whom I support more than ever, at Brown and Knox. What they've done is disgusting. Nae paedo chants though. Not that I find them that offensive....there's just so much else to hit them with. "Craigy Brown is a fucking hypocrite" (to the tune of "yellow submarine") for instance. Nae banners allowed? "We're only here out of common courtesy" is a belter. I don't think I've ever wanted us to win a game of football so much.
  7. milo

    Ins & Outs

    I'd be extremely disappointed not to mention angry if any of the current Motherwell players follow those Judases up North. I'd like to think the Motherwell players are as angry at those two as the fans are. I'm sure they'd want Blackman, but whether Blackburn wish to extend his loan at Motherwell, let alone go to another club remains to be seen. Could depend on whether Blackburn feel his development would be better served at the original club, or under the management that took him there in the first place? Gow could go, and although despite his contributions being a bit of a mixed bag, I do feel he has something to offer. That said, he has been a Motherwell player for 2 minutes so we would undoubtably survive. Fitzys out of contract and I don't think he's earned another one here. Don't think they'd take him to Pittodrie though. I'm sure Broon would like Reynolds and Jennings and a cheeky bid could be made for either or both in January. Would either of them accept it? Or more to the point would Motherwell even consider dealing with Aberdeen again? I'd like to think not. I think both players would rather go down to the championship anyway.
  8. I don't want Hughes, MacPherson, Chisholm/Dodds and the rest of the usual shite that always gets trolled out within 10 miles of Fir Park!!! Davie Hay and Craigan as player/assistant perhaps though?
  9. milo

    Aberdeen (away)

    I think it's a sensible suggestion to keep Broon out the way of this game altogether. The 'Well fans will be full of murderous rage and emotions will be running very high.
  10. No chance Broon will be at this now. He would get fucking lynched. And rightly so.
  11. Absolutely no fucking way.
  12. Would be happy with Big Terry coming back but it would require compensation so I can't see it. To be honest I, like many, amd absolutely sickened by this turn of events. I really feel for the players and worry about how this will affect them.
  13. That does not inspire me at all. Infact it worries me. That said, who are we likely to attract in all honestly?
  14. milo

    Club Statement

    I worry Jennings, Gow, Reynolds and Blackman are ear marked by the old two faced c***s. There are more hideous twists to come in this horrible tale I fear. How must the players be feeling right now? Absolutely shafted for a start. If there is any justice I hope we pump them up there on the 18th. After recent events there is clearly none. It's a good shout to get on the blower to Blackburn re Blackman while those two wanks are doing there press conference. Which incidently will be interesting viewing providing any journalist has the balls to ask him to justify and explain his lies.
  15. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    That's a concern of mine too. Brown has proved himself to be nothing more than a blatant liar and I hope he hangs his head in shame when he is unveiled up there. I really hope the Aberdeen game goes ahead at the weekend as I'd hate for his first game to be against Motherwell. I also really hope he doesn't come back and take any of our players. That would be even more sickening. If McGhee got tight of us, Browns treatment is going to blow that out the water. I can't remember anyone shafting Motherwell more than this in my time following them. Not McGhee, Pearson, McDonald...none of them even come close to this!!
  16. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    This is just hideous. I am absolutely gobsmacked. Shafted by Craig Brown of all people. I can scarcely believe it.
  17. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    I can't fucking believe this to be honest. This "will he, won't he" pish is absolute torture. He said no once, he then says no again coupled with stuff like "committed to Motherwell" etc, and still isn't over it would appear. If Broon had went at the first approach I would've been shocked stunned and gutted. If he goes after the second approach coupled with all the very strong clear commitments to Motherwell he deserves to be absolutely slaughtered and should inatantly lose any respect anyone anywhere has for him. I will be furious and you can pretty much write off me ever listeninng to what any Motherwell player or manager says ever again.
  18. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    Is he staying? Is he going? As a poster above said "every fucking year". Personally I'm disappointed he even went to speak to them. Let alone thought about it for second time. Can Aberdeen just fuck off now please though?
  19. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    Those are strong words but I would agree with you. Lets just see what happens though.
  20. milo

    Craig Brown Statement

    What the fuck is going on exactly?!?!?! Knocks it back and is now reconsidering it?!?!?! From those quotes above it doesn't look good and frankly if Broon was to go now after initially saying no I'll be absolutely raging!
  21. milo

    Aberdeen Site....

    Thank fuck. Was never in any doubt eh? I'm concerned they went to talk to them in the first place though. A polite but firm "fuck off" should have sufficed in my opinion.
  22. milo

    Aberdeen Site....

    If Brown leaves Motherwell to go to that shite I will look at life in a completely different light from here on in. Paw said he didn't need a contract as he was a Motherwell man and I believe him. If we can't trust Broon then who can we trust? Total non starter. That said, now that everyone is talking about it I am getting worried!
  23. Exactly. What a load of shite. You'd think that idiot Kearney would wind his neck in and crawl back under whatever rock he came from! His comments and blatant attempt to fan the flames were hardly backed up by anyone and yet he still comes out with more pish.
  24. That was the first time I ever seen us beat Rangers in the flesh after 14 years of going to Motherwell games so it was a special moment. Nearly got battered after the game right enough!( but it was kinda my own fault)
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