Look at Robinson's initial run of form against both OF sides at Fir Park. 1-2 loss against Rangers then 1-1, 0-0 and 1-1 vs Celtic and 2-2 and 3-3 against Rangers with a 2-0 win against Rangers at Hampden. Since we changed to the 433 in the 2nd half of 18/19 we've lost 0-3, 0-2, 1-5 to Rangers and 2-5, 0-4 and 1-4 to Celtic. Rodgers' Celtic team was way better then Lennon’s also. Robinson's putting the team out and asking them to try and play football against them rather than just playing %s. For as long as I can remember losing 4 goals to the old firm at Fir Park was always a fairly regular thing. But so was nicking a win, draw and/or being competitive and/or keeping it respectable. Getting pumped every single time was never the norm.