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Everything posted by faddythedaddy

  1. he is the fox in the box, he hates craig brown and archie knox, franny jeffers franny jeffers franny jeffers
  2. bet you he's shiting himself
  3. are the 16s named yet? just for 1st goal sweep purposes
  4. The "lets get up for Sunday with merrydown and jimmys" thread coming soon
  5. is it pay at the gate or get your ticket from the ground patter? gonna end in tears i reckon
  6. Possibly 2 seats on my bus leaving from Merry St at half 1 if anyones interested. Will confirm tonight if they are still available
  7. Gonna be a long season. We have been kinda spoiled last few seasons mind. The McGhee 1st season, the Euro runs, the Brown revival, cup semis and the 6-6. Now its time for a wee shite spell ala Malpas
  8. Give the boy a break, he's clearly a Celtic fan, I've not got a problem with that. Must have been rough for his kids watching that video and all that.
  9. http://tv.espn.co.uk/gb/espl/sports-on-espn/ right hand side, its on, thats the u.k site too
  10. faddythedaddy


    no doubt gow is a posing poofy bastard but i think hes a decent player who is one step ahead of some boys on the team
  11. On the plus side I offered Ricky Foster my shite veggy soup and then got him involved for the Palace the night. Good boy. Nae Bougherra tho Ricky. I hope this incident was captured on tv
  12. IIRC he got the job on a permanent basis after doing a good job as caretaker. Didn't do a great job once appointed and kept them up by the skin of their teeth. Resigned after that I'm pretty sure
  13. Will only be refunded up to £50 maximum and even at that it wont be as straighforward as withdrawing your refund
  14. No doubt about it, blue square can afford a 5 grand loss but it would have gone to a trader before the bet was taken. The fact that it was a new account I think they would be extra vigilant as they cant check the individuals betting patterns. Risky bet to take although the bookies will have had it layed to avoid losing a shitload
  15. Hardly irregular betting patterns by the sounds of things. I dont go on betfair anymore but it would surprise you the amount that was actually traded on that game last night if it was in-play.
  16. I wont be going, neither have I read this thread but 100% sure Craig Brown peado will be sang.
  17. Wasn't great today but neither were Hibs. Suppose those are the kind of games we have been winning this season despite not playing well. They had identified Blackman and Humphrey as the threats and dealt with them pretty well. Worringly we had no other creativity when those two were nullified.
  18. 4-1 away to Dunfermline, second last day of the Malpas shambles season. Was bad
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