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Coatsy last won the day on November 11 2023

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Pushing for the First XI

Pushing for the First XI (5/10)



  1. Time for the WS to step up to the plate now, interesting times ahead
  2. Can the Well Society as the defacto Owners of MFC provide 2M investment (Not a Loan) over the next 6 years as well as opening up to other external investment diluting only their shareholding? Just asking for a friend
  3. I agree that Kettlewell has overthought it over the last few weeks, however lets give him some credit for making the subs that changed the match. We often hear about no plan B however not so much this week. Great goal from Moses best comback since Lazarus
  4. This is absolute rubbish, someone has reviewed this and came up with a statment like that. What should have come back is sorry we made a complete mess these decisions the refereeing team will be reviewed and sanctions placed on the VAR official who will have no more VAR duties until retraining has taken place all fees to be withheld
  5. What we need is transparency every other sport can transmit the audio between the VAR and th Ref why is that not done in football? If its not conclusive the onfield decision stands
  6. THis Ref is never going to let us win dont worry
  7. Credit for the half time changes and team talk game of two halves will done
  8. Nicholson is playing for livi he is murder
  9. Is this a training game ? No urgency at all do they realise they are getting beat
  10. Paper thin squad we ran out of legs and bench options and completly lost our shape when Nicholson came on but we gave as good as we got for long periods in this game against a team with vast resources. No complaints with application a draw was a fair result. Only critisim i have is when their big guy came on up front we should have man marked him out of the game.
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