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Bart Verheul

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Everything posted by Bart Verheul

  1. EVRI one a disappointment I'll get my coat now
  2. Agreed, it was hard to believe it was the same player who played against Celtic today.
  3. Fingers crossed its him over Ketsbaia but we'll panic if you were told by Rab McKinnon
  4. Hopefully then he could make half this squad disappear
  5. That sounds interesting, should we be expecting an announcement on Monday then?
  6. Suspect one of the most pleased at Fir Park with this news will be Scotty, who will surely now get a chance to ask more of the questions he's thought of after the game, rather than having to shelve them after 2 questions when the scheduled 7mins is up
  7. The usual formation but with Sparrow at RWB (he played well to be fair) SOD at RCB and Kaleta at LWB. Definitely were okay (wouldn't go as far as good) in the 1st half, totally lost it in the 2nd.
  8. Steven Tosh or the Aberdonian Tom Boyd as he is now known in my head
  9. Unfortunately Paul McGinn has had his worst game in a Well shirt tonight and when you know hes having a bad game then the rest aren't going to be anywhere near it
  10. Nicholson and Halliday onnfor Paton and Miller should be the next change
  11. To be fair, a certain someone spontaneously combusted when Halliday scored tonight
  12. Apparently gazumped us at the last moment according to a poster on pie and bovril
  13. What if he gets injured in his first training session? (I realise this can happen with any signing but if you're paying that much a week its a massive gamble) Also how do the other players feel knowing the big mental Dutch guy in the corner is on 3 times more than them and he looks half arsed half the time
  14. How has Phillips not been booked at least so far
  15. No idea why anyone would have an irrational hatred of anyone in claret and amber
  16. Yeah because that was in absolutely no way anything to do with big Bevis not reading the obvious pass which Halliday was signalling
  17. Blair Spittal will remember his missed penalty judging by his reaction after scoring the free kick. Looked genuinely gutted that he didn't get the hattrick.
  18. It would have been Gent until his lapse for the equaliser. In fact it may still be Gent as he showed how much he has improved defensively since coming in to the side (apart from said error, which was probably due to tiredness) Feck it Gent it is
  19. Can someone explain what the difference with that and the penalty Celtic got at Parkhead was?
  20. Yip, the wee hug with O'Donnell looked very much like a man who knows hes a goner
  21. Unfortunately tonight I have reached the point where I know its over for a Motherwell manager - when you want the opposition to score more to speed up the departure
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