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well_nuts last won the day on July 16 2013

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About well_nuts

  • Birthday 07/11/1984

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  1. Where was the closest man to closing down the guy that put the cross in? 10/15 yards away? No one made a effort to go to him. Poor goal but it has been coming
  2. What sort of formation do we start with? No left midfielder.
  3. Vigurs at fault for the goal. Should have followed the man back that scored. Been really poor so far. Need a big response in the second half just to get a point against a poor thistle side
  4. Does anyone know when they last of the payment are due to come out as I take it I won't get my season ticket till it is paid
  5. We had Henri Anier on loan before are signed him to a contract.
  6. Some stayed in the pub but I could not tell you about the rest.
  7. The only good thing about coming over to iceland was that I got to see about 350 miles of the country. Just need to wait from my flight home now. Football was piss poor
  8. We have just been and got our tickets for the match at the stadium 4000 isk each.
  9. Going to head up to there club and 1ish to see if they are selling the tickets or not. Staying a 10 mins walk from the ground I hope that they are but if we have to go in to Reykjavik then so be it.
  10. On the way to the airport for my flight to Reykjavik.
  11. Tickets for the match have been priced at: Adults: £20 Under 16s: £10 Tickets will be available direct from the Stjarnan at the Samsung völlurinn on both Wednesday (from 2pm) and Thursday, but are restricted to just 85 for general sale served on a first-come-first-served basis. General Manager Alan Burrows said: “We advised Stjarnan eight days ago that we expected approximately 300 / 400 Motherwell fans to make the trip to Iceland and asked for as many tickets as possible. “Frustratingly, the Samsung völlurinn holds just 1000 people meaning our allocation is small with UEFA rules stipulating a minimum of 5% (fifty tickets). “Stjarnan advised us that they hoped to accommodate as many Motherwell fans as possible but we are being limited to one block within the stadium. “Unfortunately, they did not have the facility to bring tickets with them to the game in Scotland, so will sell them directly to Motherwell fans at the ground from 2pm on Wednesday.” The Icelanders have confirmed ‘Well fans will be made most welcome at the All-in SportsBar near the ground before and after the match. All-in sportbar address: Stakkahraun 1 220 Hafnafjörður Iceland The game will also be shown live on Icelandic television – Stöð 2 sport.
  12. Has the deadline for registering players not passed for this round?
  13. We are but it is a closed door game as there stadium is not ready yet.
  14. me and a pal are going over.
  15. I have hired an apartment just 15 mins walk from there ground. Going to need to hire a car if I want to go in to Reykjavik or that but still to look in to that
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