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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. the first rule of fight club is, you do not talk about fight club
  2. Cheeky, some local knowledge may help it survive, check your mail
  3. Brazilian


    Lol bet Andy was dreading that question he's well behind with his current standings Get yir finger oot sir! Edit: no doubt the old still one game to go delay will kick in
  4. amazing what puts a smile on my face spotting wee bits of Claret and Amber around the counties is enough car transporter on Uddingston main street today with a Motherwell badge on the windscreen driving up the airbles road into the Bunting and the sexy wee Mx5 parked up at the club with the MFC number plate and Claret and Amber ribbons ( just hopes it's no 'Flows or a players )
  5. Good to hear it was a success delboy provided pictures the year he was there
  6. nice hair doo, whats that called? streaks? highlights? strawberry blonde?
  7. Hutch and Gunning are same height? Hutch is older Gunning has been decent ( and is more versatile from bench) , but has cost us dear at times and doesnt show the same passion for Motherwell, Hutch will run through brick walls for his team mates and always tries to cover for others sometimes making it look like he's at fault, quite a few examples covering for Gunning in recent weeks. barring injury first picks imho will be ..........Randolph ???? Craigan Hutchinson Hammell Hately Lasley Jennings ????? .......Sutton Murphy
  8. Is this thread for season ticket holders only?
  9. Brazilian


    Hollis, stopped it being a mauling
  10. anybody got spare ticket? office open sunday morning? off and fancy going now
  11. you could try but he's that quick he'd arrive in front of you
  12. well made stop fannying about on here and get back to the messenger
  13. Yeah Genius another databsae
  14. its a must! password control is fairly strict they dont want it banded about PM a moderator or admin thats online by checking here clicky link it'll show you who's online and you can message them via the wee envelope link on the right hand side
  15. Dave not sure how we're meant to withdraw from the ballot without causing the club more work unless youmean just say no thanks to any offers if successful And I really don't get point of handing in vouchers to the association, surely you just leave it in your book and don't use it? No it doesn't it's simply a marketing email with a final push trying to sell season tickets on the back of guaranteed cup tickets
  16. surprising, but welcome none the less, I'll look out for it
  17. have i missed something mentioning the budget for next year?
  18. MJC's been around forever like a smelly auld family dug that lies around farting, drags its shitey arse along the new carpet and growls right through MOTD or any decent film but nobody in the family really wants rid, cause after all he still feckin loves it when we win
  19. for the same reason the rest of us are going HOPE
  20. was gonna mention all the out of contract players that were told to wait until split for contract talks, but then that was put back for semi-final and now its just not getting talked about so eh?...... can anyone say when are we getting Nicky Law from Rotherham
  21. club cant give 'products' out for free as that costs cash they can give reduced price entry or season ticket vouchers for friends and family, that still keeps some cash coming in on match day to pay the bills ( or a slice of them!)
  22. he should be number 9 to fit in with the Taches song
  23. I've been contemplating this, and I'm still raging that MFC are quite happy to continue with this ten team nonsense even though the majority of fans around the country are against it. reading Mr Weirs comments it seems MFC are hung up on the play off numbers surely that means we are concerned at making the drop, from 8th? but we've been told this restructure is to provide more cash for the 2nd tier, but then if we're concerned with the drop from 8th then surely we shouldn't be gambling with the clubs future by voting in a proposal that puts even 9th at risk and relegates 10th.11th and 12th
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