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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. SNAFU , I'm a wee tad upset, well maybe not upset but at very least a bit scunnered, by it all, as like everyone I see myself and the two I want to go with as deserving as is anyone that wants to go to the game but I'm almost certainly amused at how it always seems to be made so difficult and awkward they get a mention big yin think leeann squeezes a statement in about them getting an allowance somewhere edit well she says supporters associations if thats what you mean, clicky
  2. just went on to register for the ballot and spotted this wee beauty
  3. happy there is to be a pre-sale to all the season ticket holders un-happy if excessive amounts are given out and that doesnt leave enough for the many many fans who are not ST holders, MFC want to grow the core support, 10 team SPL ( ) and restricted ticket sales doesnt encourage those values Ballot- way too complicated and open to abuse unless its a super sophisticated ( read expensive) sytem sell to the ST holders & supporters associations, sell to the known well fans ( does the database even exist), then general sale to best ability to the many Motherwell supporting public ( we didn't have that many direct supporters in 1991) and with all due respect Leeann the club have let down our supporters on more than a few occasions regarding segregation thanks for the open communication and the hard work being put in
  4. nae bother Spiderpig, the Grieve says don't panic, so I'm away to fret over something else
  5. nothing wrong with them getting a chance to buy a ticket whats wrong with people that have made similar financial commitments to the club than the bog standard season ticket holders, not getting a real chance to simply buy a ticket? season tickets do not make better fans or even more suitable fans, but I'd hope the club already know this
  6. most certainly steelboy, the devil is in the detail! as I implied its gonna have to be a super sophisticated process not to be open to the abuse you imply, and abuse by our very own , I might have to secure contact details of hundreds of friends and family to get enough entries for the three tickets I need
  7. reading it , it does read as a low allocation , but it also reads as: you want to be sure of a ticket for a final then you really have to buy a season ticket, and I know our beloved club would never get to that sort of low, so maybe we shouldn't be 'reading' it
  8. I hope this ballot malarky works, isn't so open to abuse that carnage will ensue might have to shatter my nephews hopes of attending the final as he's only been to around 15 games this season, but as none of us are season ticket holders we will have to go into a luck of the draw ballot in a system that will have to be hell of a sophisticated to not be abused by our own and more so the mhankies thanks for posting Leeann even tho' its just complicated things in my head
  9. don't think it would have been new stock Dave, just what stock was left of this seasons strip and it had been on offer the week before.
  10. Now you're talkin but how many stars above the badge
  11. No change from me but, I will still enjoy winning the cup as much as the next fan and it worries me how much I'm comparing all this to 1991
  12. ahem 21/05 v SheepTic BBC/SKY
  13. Get your passports sorted troops I've just had one ticket order from Latvia
  14. as good as we performed, their keeper was terrible at the first two Did wee Nevin describe Murphs goal as faddyesque
  15. Difficult decision, a few contenders, Randolph was awesome in the second half, a few storming saves/punches Craggs fantastic, leadership, passion, determination Murph ripped them to bits, #believe in yourself Murph you have the talent Lasley, keeps delivering some great performances, is he not still injured? Shaun 'the Heed' Hutchinson, young, inexperienced, vulnerable? baws, he was a giant in the middle today and every inch a premier league defender and an absolute beast of a man, one of those tractor drivers done him a stormer in the 2nd half and he just got up wiped off the stud marks and got on with the game I can't decide if he impress more than Buff Martin or Luc Nijholt in fact he might very well be their lovechild. Hammell, Hately, Sutty all put in solid but very effective performances but big hutch wins it
  16. 'Flow disnae exist, FACT!
  17. Quite a big step but hes got the media contacts to help support promote the move and I'd wish him well somebody has got to get this information to Hammerfist,
  18. Remember 1991 3 games against Celtic.... nuff said if both teams get to the final
  19. must admit when reading it that did surprise me a little, guess he gets better press than our boys, Murph did have a few months of peak and well Randolph is a Keeper
  20. Dunno why you are perplexed, its the Players POTY, hard to argue that at least his year they have players that would be near the top of most peoples list Randolph would be the only 'Well player that could challenge them, I guess the players who voted just didn't rate him quite high enough
  21. you deflecting from your hooky fixture list? already being discussed clicky
  22. and even more amazing none of the hacks have picked up on it ( or are they in on it and staying stum!) I've got some friends home for Easter and and they need to know where when the 'Well are playing, total shambles and they wonder why crowds dont increase
  23. Craigan is a far better player than too many footie managers on here give him credit for some weaknesses but hey, we're Motherwell we just dont get perfect players. Craggs has been a great Motherwell player and servant, contributing a huge amount to the success in the last few years not forgetting his role in recovering from administration all being said and with the further expected cuts to the budget, I dont know if we could afford to hold onto him, might come down to simple choice of Craggs or Hutchy/Saunders/Hammell etc
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