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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. can someone with mod superpowers please fix the spelling in the thread title It took me long enough to realise it was Hutchinson, no need for others to be misled Edit: cheers
  2. I cannot say, I see the club having it right with that statement far too vague with the details to say so although it a sound enough statement at this early? stage winter shutdown - earlier start to season, really need clarified to to declare if it would be good or bad for Scottish football e.g would we lose the holiday games, boxing day/ ne'er day if so imho I reckon that completely contradicts the need for better timing of games to increase average gates I understand bigger picture re- match timings and to me thats as good a point to challenge as any Good positive stuff however, just think its a bit early to declare a solution and as for the proposed structure released elsewhere, with another completely unsporting and unfair split
  3. Meeting today to discuss the future of the SPL Neil Doncaster to put proposals to the clubs unlikely to vote on it today, but the wheels on the bus are turning
  4. Translated Salim lazreg article its going to take a good offer from Motherwell in the summer That's all the evil that he wants or thats all the evil we wish him
  5. Brazilian

    Stevie Kirk

    Gutted, hope the blonde brazilian pulls through this scare, awrabest Stevie
  6. Yeah hope he is on the mend and is back soon, likewise for Fitzpatrick and Hutchinson and any others struggling with injury
  7. I didn't find it quite as funny Lip but it did make me smirk that we are extremely well served in those areas yet not many fans could even associate a name with many of those business functions however seems to be a good move , and he gets the saem support to deliver all positive aims as all the others
  8. Foxache Kylie you've crashed the official site
  9. Treacherous for Randolph too, from what I seen
  10. Question: how are folk meant to get songs out there if not by singing them? e.g the recently popular version of he's only on loan, kicked of with a car load on the way to an away game
  11. Ah! the auld yins are using text patter what ever next
  12. Get that some weeks as well seems just to be the online speed of things, this week Im getting it allquite quick. but the radio is always quicker if we're getting covered # EDIT: Special whit you on about S&M?
  13. Come ON!!!!!!! getting a few wee chances here, 5 mins left PENALTY !!!!!
  14. wait on the fans feedback, but sure seems like us getting deeper and deeper inviting pressure to break out now and again Randolph saving us again!
  15. Randolph hits the opposite goal stanchion
  16. Jennings impressing on mcgregor to put ball out for injured players Saunders off on a stretcher hammell on for him, a wee bit of restructuring Kevin Bridges
  17. Higdon with another great chance, well defended by Saunders
  18. Hately attempt from a touch on from blackman free kick radio reckon he'll be embarassed by that effort at least we're back up the right end 1minute til halftime
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