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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. the big man has an uncontrollable tongue
  2. Did you not get your letter from John Boyle? Cakes very kindly posted it up in another thread here (I've still not got one and whilst I don't think the letter was ever published on the 'Fishel site or even an article about the season ticket offer?? the deal was mentioned in small print in the tickets section for the ICT game. Adult season ticket holders 'only' get a pair of free tickets (1 adult & 1 Child) on production of special voucher H. you'll have to make the exchange tomorrow at the latest for the Falkirk game I think
  3. Agreed DC'd but you'll be well aware that anything said on the Tuesday will be very vague unless the pitch is perfect and the overnight forecast is very good. But I agree if its looking doubtful it would be nice if on the Tuesday they announced that. Unfortunately if there is even a slight chance it'll be on they will just announce another inspection after all Locos have a fair amount of their seasons income sitting on this game and wouldn't want to risk another batch of tickets being returned too soon
  4. With all due respect to the guys that are travelling from further afield any Tuesday pitch inspection would only be prelimenary if forecasts are favourable a Wednesday inspection is more than likely going to be required even if on the Tuesday they declared it fit for purpose. from what I can see Wednesday could be a fine clear day so providing the pitch isn't icebound I'd hope they give it until at least Wednesday lunchtime or it may never be on!
  5. McGhees aftermatch thoughts on the Beeb and Levein is stunned
  6. Bollox to that ya couple of miserable auld *banned word* this result is a tremendous result that should be savoured by every 'Well fan Clean sheet, four different scorers, confirming the best team set-up, away result to the best of the rest we're Motherwell and we're not entitled to win every game, so no win means jack especially not a win as good as todays. Sure it'll be good to beat Falkirk and everyone else that we beat this season but no win means jack sh1t
  7. But less chance of the old firm qualifying for the finals doon souff
  8. aye Clarkie fair loves scoring gainst the Arabs game is now being covered by Radio Scotland on the SKY channel 0116 for anyone that prefers to switch to that
  9. CLARKY fuk me we're on fire
  10. 'MON THE KLIMPL cannae wait to see the photaes of him celebrating tongue oot!
  11. never works for me I always have to click the link to laucnch the stand alone player then it kicks in GET IN FIZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. a wee bit of clarification please 'Flow is this a request to re-submit details once again to be included for this specifically?? or if after providing details a few times and being spammed from the club recently will those adresses already receive the newsletter?
  13. A good wee piece written on Kennys time with the club on the official site he seems a sensible lad, an another who has done everything asked of him in his time on board. Sad that it wasn't to be and best wishes for the future. hopefully he'll get a club and the first team chances.
  14. Not that it really matters but where the fuk did all the votes come from, two votes just appeared against every player ??????????? even though the total votes doesn't show them who the fek is running this vote? Robert Mugabe
  15. Strange kinda game regards MOTM thankfully? there was no one individual really shining above another 10 failures which has been the case so many times this season. Klimpl gets my vote for the sheer determination defensively and also a fair bit of contribution offensively when he did venture forward thanks to cover from other players Defence all had decent performances glad to have Craggs back in there seems to be him that contributes the most to the shape and confidence. Thought the 3 across the middle didn't have the right balance with Lasley looking well out of place on the right, keep drifting inside, Shug at times in first half looked not interested and Captain Jack Sparrow still only 50/50 from me lots more effort this week again and more of it coming off but still way too much lost possession from him. (we missed Fitzpatrick in there ) Porter was doing a power of the work outside the box contributed a lot to our game just a shame he had to back track so often to do it and Clarky whilst not having a really bad game just didn't seem to find his feet often enough?
  16. Nah Nijholt had athleticism(sp) about him, as well as calf & thigh muscles straight aff a shot putter! the Klump is definatley more like a no nonsense Psycho even to the point of protecting his team mates in a scrap
  17. Should've won it even without the penalties If we had the same drive in the first 45 as the 2nd half we would have broken them down can't say much more other than the Ref was fuckin terrible oh wait its already been said just a reminder for everyone that the game in full is on BBC Alba @ 20:00 Sky 168
  18. I've ended up with one spare and reports coming back from Love street that people have been able to buy them at the ground. should be a capacity crowd
  19. :dissapointedsmillie: I thought we were gonna get another view of the 'Al_B formula' as for the crowd initiaitves I've posted else where ,yes, they boost the match attendance but I now don't think the way they are done they are never going to increase the fan base and as such the long term gates. Don't think you'll ever get by the argument that quite simply the product is too expensive and just no longer delivers the entertainment value required to get people to freeze their nads aff whilst getting herded around like criminals into all seated areas that just aren't comfortable. Oh and lets not forget that TV has all but killed off any hope of a real boost in atendances as quite simply there is far too much choice on offer and the fixture schedules are fukin ridiculous
  20. Brazilian

    Starting Team

    must have been a different game from me then edit : but aye the defence was F'ing terrible
  21. Sadly missed, But also fondly remembered He was a legend to me and most 'Well fans of my generation But the pain I feel is for his close friends and his loving family. Gone but never forgotten RIP Uncle Phil Iain
  22. Our tickets bought on christmas eve are for the normal away West stand behind the goal. As has been said don't quite know how they will segregate condidering there is only one set of turnstyles and only one set of stairs into that stand?? our match commander would certainly not allow it if what is said about segragation and large crowds is to be believed. They could I suppose bring buddies in fom the North west but would that not mean them walking along pitch side???
  23. whats your point caller? Can't see why it should be the other way about with the current balance of power
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