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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. wow, an opportunity to misinterpret a post and take a dig at someone , and you take it, there's a shock you totally ignore my comment that "i'm torn by" it, indicating its an emotion, something football draws on for many people. so yes it's my opinion that 4 days out at this stage for one game is not ideal planning, given my comments on where we are, and my recollection of fitness etc of years past, nothing to do with the opposition, i go to see Motherwell FC, not the other team. and you are throwing about the term diddy team not me. Guess I look a the whole event, nice to take in as many games as possible, but for many there are choices to be made, visiting Livingston yet again as as venue, doesnt hold much draw, the team is a bit ramshackle (still hope today brings them together) I've said I dont feel it's a fair price, so there ends the decision, a trip to Sligo offers something different and a completely new experience for me anyway, I mentioned a wee tour, something again in addition to the 90mins, so a totally different consideration in my eyes. Boss needs to get the team moving and playing together, so I'm fine with him sorting through pre-season as it is, seems this one is thrown together, maybe a hangover from the relegation threat, I don't know, just my thought, I'll still want us to win, and will be hanging on for info' as to how things have went
  2. quite torn by the Sligo announcement, seeing no evidence that we are anywhere near a squad or close to having a strong unit for a starting 11, so cant fathom taking 4 days out pre-season training for one bounce game. can understand that team bonding etc could be benefits, but I'm still yearning for a pre-season that has us ready like McGhees introduction. can see past anything else thats arranged , as I'm not encouraged we're ready to pay to see, but if i wasnt tied up at work, I'd have been over to Sligo for a tour
  3. Opening day game at Inverness still under threat, to me it is anyway, and well not know until next Thursday night if it's getting moved
  4. Livi charged £12 & £8 for their game tonight vs Real Sociedad
  5. Cheers Guys, Ive noted these in opening post. dropped off a couple of last years raffle winners tops today and Mad_Dogs, Ainsworth top, is out for special delivery tomorrow hopefully some of the photos with players at sponsors evening were pretty good too, hopefully everyone got theirs from club by now
  6. Received another couple of payments through folks, many thanks marked them up in the first post along with the recent pledges. that means I'll be paying the club £275 for Louis Molts away strip sponsorship on Friday. the challenge is to now raise another £295 to pay for current top scorer Wes Fletchers home strip, which will both be raffled off towards end of season for contributors to win, along with the associated invites to the clubs sponsors event. so even if your not able to pay right away, but want to join in, let me know as I can note the pledge and pursue the contract with the club when it looks like we have enough contributors to cover cost.
  7. Loved Stepover as a player, remember being frustrated at his poor form then dissapearance for a few months, all explained, and a reminder that sometimes players cannot deliver for many reasons even when selected the insight to the different managers is a real coup, fascinating to hear some detail around what it was like in dressing rooms and training pitches. Brilliant podcast get the feeling Jim enjoyed, just opening up, tugged at the heartstrings as well
  8. Another few contributions received today, many thanks folks, now heading towards covering payment for one player sponsorship, plenty room for more if we can generate the funding
  9. Im working (well, getting paid) how you doing? rocking a friday night away...looking in, for lonely people to interact with
  10. Cheers folks, both those payments received, Ive add them to first post also to show paid contribution thanks
  11. Seems a more than ridiculous outcome , your club? your result tragically I looked and thats flawed, would need a weighting factor. but does show that the high scorers for the Glasgow results had woefully low averages to be declared POTY 28 McHugh 5/1= 5.00 28 N.Thomas 5/1= 5.00 12. Johnson 52/12= 4.33 11.McDonald 53/13= 4.07 8. Long 60/15= 4.00 16. Grant 38/10= 3.80 4. Erwin 78/22= 3.55 14. Laing 46/13= 3.54 23 Lawson 14/4= 3.50 27. Moore 7/2 = 3.50 13.Pearson 50/15= 3.33 18 Straker. 35/11= 3.18 2. Lasley 121/39= 3.10 6. Ainsworth 73/24= 3.04 1. McManus 122/42= 2.90 10 O`Brien 55/19= 2.89 7. Ramsden 65/23= 2.83 23 Watt 14/5= 2.80 20. Hammell 33/12= 2.75 21. Angol 30/11= 2.73 26. Ferguson 8/3= 2.67 3. Law 88/34=2.59 5. Twardzik 74/29= 2.55 28 D.Thomas 5/2= 2.50 17. Carswell 36/16= 2.25 18. Kerr 35/17= 2.06 22. Vigurs 28/14= 2.00 25. Leitch 10/5= 2.00 15. Reid 42/22= 1.95 9. Sutton 59/31= 1.90 but interestingly if you remove the outliers with token appearances, it shows that the starting 11 developed over the course of the season similarly to the Glasgow branch scoring systems votes ie, Sutton, Vigurs, Reid, carswell, Twardzik, Angol etc stopped starting games ( surprised Hammell scored as low!)
  12. checked and it transferred ok Dave, thanks again for contributing
  13. Great work from the club in negotiating the compromise and massive credit to Cash Converters for working with the club and allowing their logo to be worked into the strip rather than demanding a large yellow patch with the text on it. Think everyone would prefer a clear strip, but its good to have club & sponsor work together
  14. Cheers, received without user name! (regular contributors get away with that ) also received payments from cambo97 and toxtethogrady and some enquiries or contact details which I'll get bac to as soon as i can
  15. see it arriving Phil Cheers for contributing again this season
  16. Cheers for the ealry pledges folks, Linsey got that thru paypal , so thats definitely working siebsbarmyarmy , my accounts are the same sort and acc start 87 and 71 if thats helps confirm
  17. It's all happening this week! time to try and raise funds to sponsor at least one player again, hopefully more if you are all on board. it'll be the 11th season of sponsored strips by the steelmenonline and its predecessor wtfc forums If you want to join in, just pledge an amount in this thread and I'll add it to the first post as we go I have pledged funds to sponsor Lionel Ainsworths clerical error means now we have new signings on behalf of contributors, so dependant on uptake we'll see who we can sponsor EDIT: so the club have offered us the Wes Fletcher and Louis Moults strips as options if we can raise the funds THE IDEA & COSTS The idea is that people contribute in multiples of £5 in order to get their name against a 'raffle ticket' for a draw. Each £5 contribution will get a name on a ticket & place in the draw The winners of the draw will receive the sponsors privileges ( sponsored top & opportunity to receive it at an end of season event) So, if you donate £5, you will get one chance at winning the strip/s, whereas a £20 donation will get you four chances and so on....... It's basically whatever you can afford, but £5 is the minimum pledge. not everyone can sponsor a player as an individual, but doing it like this we can help support club and every fiver contributed goes direct into the club in full and has a chance of winning a players strip It costs, up to £350 to sponsor players kit parts, couple of years back when the club were pushing steelmenforever we managed to reach £700 to sponsor two euro tops @£350 each which was pretty decent, last season we topped that with three strips sponsored and £865 into the club so hopefully as a group we can get some money together again and help out PAYMENT options: Send PayPal payment to: iainmande 'at' hotmail.com , PayPal takes a cut but if the contribution is marked as a GIFT payment or you select Pay a friend or Family and opt to cover the charge if you have any, then I should receive the full £5 increments and you as the sender covers the charge. EDIT: just noticed yabbas new improved site had protected the email address, ive amended post, hopefully people understand the at hotmail . com is all one string with an @ symbol EDIT again!: seems paypal have change sen gift to pay a friend or family, cheers RDuke for pointing this out Please remember to include your board name or contact details in the PayPal payment so I can mark it off, and also that it's for sponsorship and remember its a Pay a friend or gift payment message me with a PM or post here, if you require postal details to send a cheque or if you'd rather meet up and pay cash. 2015-2016 pledges (paid in bold) Andy_P £10 linsey12 £5 siebsbarmyarmy £20 Big Wispy Flossy £20 eddiemunster £10 Joe Wark Legend £10 coolhandluc £10 cambo97 £10 toxtethogrady £10 Kmcalpin £20 Delboy £20 andalg £10 purestate £10 GhostofSteveD £15 steelmen1991 £50 DennyC £20 Ecky £25 £275 contributed, £275 paid to club - Louis Moults away top target further £295 to pay for Wes Fletchers home top scoojy £10 Mad Dog Raoul_Duke £10 RossMFC1 £5 IanC £10 Weeyin £15 NottsMFC £20 Dezz £10 Yabbas turd £20 linsey12 £10 Daver £30 superward £20 delboy £10 Wee_kaz £10 Siebsbarmyarmy £10 Brazilian £125
  18. wow! Deleted image apologies to club for jumping gun
  19. I went for top ten (preferably comfortably) and two cup wins , and our success in the league, and European football guaranteed , never really turned into an attractive option for new signings, thats changed this year as well after a quite horrific season.......hope the factors that really influence these things also change the cup attitude
  20. Follow the link, or just read the thread..back http://www.steelmenonline.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=14942&p=444650 £5 a game, a tenner for both
  21. If Baraclough and Robinson can find what gets Ainsworth motivated, then this is a fantastic deal, hopefully he finds a couple off teamates he clicks with as well, nothing like fighting for your pals, he often looks isolated in training, warm ups, halftimes etc maybe that punch up lit a fire But Mo Johnston and even Larsson, Hartson,Nakamura,Thompson, Maloney, Sutton, Lambert, Thom, Collins never even got close to damaging them like : Erwin, McManus, Ainsworth, Johnson and Sutton did, and wee Lionel did it twice for good measure
  22. in jest I trust.... same as many were last summer , I'm happy at the signs of change this season
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