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SO Well Society Members
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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. Added you in to the first post fat_tony. Cheers and I've got no insider info on new signings Joe, has just pointed out that everyone has missed a few players from last seasons squad list
  2. Schools not even out and the crazy season has begun. far too many bites for one afternoon McGowan doesn't need a shop to be 'open' to be in it
  3. Just checked and transfer is showing up Thanks , I'll update post 1
  4. Cheers added in a another few payments that came in Joe, drop me a line if its worthy and we keep seeing contributions then I'll try to work with club to see what can be done. Remember if you are emailing or paypal'ing? me to try and add some details in saying who you are and that the money is for the player sponsorship, so that I can match up, the details of who is contributing and they can go against the raffle tickets. I want to make sure the winners can be contacted.
  5. They top 16 clubs in the country on footballing merit
  6. Been up to the club and paid them £400 down payment for two sponsorships . Uptake has been excellent both on here and at the club, From the limited availability I have requested Josh Laws away and Euan Murray'ssee edit below, home at this stage so that would be £570 EDIT: on 20-06-14 PAID balance of first twe strips so, £570 now with club to cover Lionel Ainsworth Home and Josh Law away strips for coming season Could it be possible to get to a third player?
  7. Cheers folks, I have added in all the payments received in paypal and the one cheque received so far from Kmcalpin. I'll keep that first post up to date whenever I get net access.
  8. Sure its not just you Jam20, as I said if its not for you/others just carry on as is, but for anyone that bemoans how things are run, lack of budgets, decent youth structure, high expectations of top six finish. let alone expectations of Europe etc. then that product comes with a cost. for the last few years we as fans been lucky to receive the end product at a bit of a bargain price, right now the choice is a couple of quid a week extra to help out, or an unknown, some would say wishful thinking of someone paying the shortfall edit: and with sbmfc comment it made me think perhaps we have the crux, he may think giving the society pays wages, whereas I dont think any society money is paying wages, the clubs income is paying the wages, the society funds allow the club to trade as they have been, in a industry where the cash income is not evenly distributed. happy to be wrong on that and sb just thinks paying footballers is wrong
  9. some mixed input so far, we need to remember the clubs trading income and the Society funds are two different entities its pretty sad that on teh face of it there appears, just cause, to criticise volunteers effort and hard work, when in fact most of it is down to lack of clear communication channels as well as whats been mentioned, there is also a full Well Society fundraising dinner event at planned for one of the holiday weeekends in the pipeline (think its September) waiting on confirmation but I believe it will be the first acknowledgement by fans of Tommy McLeans contribution to our clubs history. I'll also say that, even if its unpopular, all the excuses from the majority that a tenner a month to join the society is too expensive, is misguided. at every opportunity the society and club have said if you want to join and contribute go and speak to them (alison) and work something out. Sure, if you dont want to do it , move along and just follow the club as you are. Most season ticket holders on average are getting into games for around £16? add a society membership and thats around £22-£23, not cheap but surely achievable for more than 1 in 5 of our season ticket holders and if that ST holder is getting a free kid or two, then its really £8-12 a head per game to be a ST holder and one adult member of society. It has been said many times, maybe our fans would only realise what a vunerable position the club is in, were the worst to happen PS, I'm not against alternative investment, be surprised if we have any fans with serious cash, who are not already involved,I'll be delighted if there are, like United or Killie, but with external investment, comes seats on the board, JB called it that the last guy wasnt suitable, lets hope we are able to keep the ability to control the path of the club.
  10. Cheers, Added them in, Payment later on is fine, if folk pledge an amount, it lets me gauge amount that will likely come in , pay one strip right away and get the club to invoice me next month for any potential second strip
  11. Cheers folks, almost at one strip already with payments and pledges
  12. some early interest so may as well go for it again and raise funds to sponsor at least one player again. edit: two players sponsored trying for a third.... it'll be the 10th season of sponsored strips by the WTFC - steelmenonline, forums If you want to join in, just pledge an amount in this thread and I'll add it to the first post as we go Both of last years strips are reserved until month end so dependant on uptake we'll see who we sponsor THE IDEA & COSTS The idea is that people contribute in multiples of £5 in order to get their name on 'raffle ticket' for a draw. Each £5 contribution will get a name on a ticket & place in the draw The winners of the draw will receive the sponsors privileges ( sponsored top & opportunity to receive it at an end of season event) So, if you donate £5, you will get one chance at winning the strip/s, whereas a £20 donation will get you four chances and so on....... It's basically whatever you can afford, but £5 is the minimum pledge. I thought about making it £10 but folk in the past have pledged various multiples of £5 and it all goes into the club not everyone can sponsor a player as an individual, but doing it like this we can help support club and every fiver contributed goes straight into the club in full and has a chance of winning a players strip It costs, up to £350 to sponsor each player, couple of years back when the club were pushing steelmenforever we managed to reach £700 to sponsor two euro tops @£350 each which was pretty decent so hopefully as a group we can get some money together again and help out PAYMENT options: Send PayPal payment to.... iainmande@hotmail.com , PayPal takes a cut but if the contribution is marked as a GIFT payment then I should receive the full amount and the sender covers the charge Please remember to include your board name or contact details in the PayPal payment so I can mark it off, and also that it's for sponsorship and remember its a GIFT payment message me with a PM or post here, if you require postal details to send a cheque or if you'd rather meet up and pay cash. 2014-2015 pledges (paid in bold) Steve Diggle £20 linsey12 £20 Mad_Dog £50 NottsMFC £20 East_Stand_Al £10 Steelman1991 £50 Burn_Broomfield £25 Ecky £25 siebsbarmyarmy £20 Toxteth_Ogrady £10 WeeYin £20 Brazilian £20 DennyC £25 ClaretandBamber £25 Kmcalpin £20 Dr_Pepper £10 BigWispyFlossy £20 Andy_P £10 Brazilian £20 coolhandluc £10 andalg £10 Wellmade £10 Ropy £10 Numpty £20 Moorey £10 clueless £10 SMc £20 DosserJoe £10 IanC £20 fat_tony £20 delboy £20 WellinEssex £15 Spiderpig £20 Wellman £20 Daver £20 well_nuts £20 Scoojy £20 JoeWarkTheLegend £5 SteveDiggle2 £10 eddiemunster £20 Yabba's Turd £20 Mightywelllscott £20 SteveDiggle3 £10 punk_in_drublic £20 chq Andy_P2 £5 stuwell £20 Rabcnesbit £20 £855 paid up to rabc tommy_coyne £20 EDIT: on 20-06-14 PAID balance of first two strips so, £570 now with club to cover Lionel Ainsworth Home and Josh Law away strips for coming season EDIT: on 15-08-14 PAID a futher £295 of contributions in to the club this afternoon, £865 now with club to cover Lionel Ainsworth Home and Josh Law away strips for coming season and todays addition was Henrik Ojamaa 2nd Home top
  13. if it is revealed that Doncaster actually paid money back to ESPN-BTsport to effectively promote the Rangers product in their rebirth, then maybe we will see the end of him. he was only defended by our directors as the man that is the best at the contract negotiations despite his other flaws. giving money back is very rarely good for any company
  14. the one thing missing from that CV, is the experience and an understanding of football fans and passion for their club and the game
  15. I've pretty much stayed out of slaughtering our keepers over the season as it achieves little apart from stoking the fear/hate, Twardzik played the best of the three used, looked technically better, and much more confident and committed to each move or play, is he the answer, I couldn't call that I don't know what has went wrong with the other two, as both cannot be as bad as some of their on-going errors over the course. Hollis was slaughtered by some, far too early, unsteady yes but for essentially a rookie goalie at this level, he was settling in, but the fans were never going to breathe easy and it must have been very uncomfortable playing at Fir park, when gasps surround the team as he goes to play the ball, no surprise his best was shown on the road. I don't forsee any change in the general opinion on him, , despite his comeback I'd say his handling, kicking etc looked worse, and I cannot see how anyone could say he was technically on a par with Twardzik or even Nielsen! Then there is Nielsen who was turned over by McCall after a very decent showing in Russia, seems to have been a tense niggle since his arrival and playing under study, mis-guided expectations? led on? bad attitude? nae idea, seemed to get frozen out again early in the split as well, guess the goal against column justifies that, but most would say he wasn't to blame for some for the sair ones I don't know what lies ahead, but a keeper is a must, and If I had to keep one on the books for potential recovery it would be Nielsen, but then I don't know the package either receive, maybe I would be swayed if there was a significant difference
  16. I have paid a great disservice to the bold Doncaster back in April, SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: then he scurried away and hid under his rock
  17. Be back playing shinty before summer is out
  18. They then lose even more EPL games, to BT , sky are all ready facing an uncertain period , BT seem ready to pay over the odds but neither can sustain it on subscriptions , wonder how much advertisers pay
  19. yip I've heard and seen hundred of quotes from Doncaster, Regan and many key players in the press and media about a damaged and uncompetitive league. only a few have dared to point out just how competitive most games in the league actually are an now our leaders appear to be in hiding, instead of using the opportunity to big it up, with the simple excuse, that they should be getting out there Telling people how good things are in Scottish football
  20. In real life or Football manager? nobody wants a free transfer that's been let go by another club
  21. around 78th minute was it not
  22. So the clubs sponsors night, was last week, neither winners were able to attend, so luckily we had drawn some reserve names, and Linsey12 was able to go and had a good night. both sponsored strips, Carswell and Murray were collected, just need to sort out some logistics and I'll get them passed on to the winners asap. need to sort out something again for coming season, might not buy a new player but the club needs the funds to keep this phenomenal success run going!
  23. Tom Hateley, Odense even though we lost was pretty much bedlam
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