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SO Well Society Members
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Everything posted by Brazilian

  1. was just coming in to post Mio's goal , bedlam when he headed for the wall at the terracing gave me the shivers when I found it on youtube , a few 'Well heroes on show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_ambgnSqRI gobstoppers youtube channel will claim a lot of my time this evening
  2. I'm fed up with fans having a go at Fagan and Andy Roddie everybody is correct, Humphrey could be a game changer as he has proved, Humpphrey is pish just now as most people are seeing, Humphrey has no confidence and its Mcalls fault for continually playing him for 90 minutes when he's offering around 35-45minutes contribution at most does he need coaching that we cant offer, after progress he seems to be going backwards, whos faults that? I don't see anyone saying get rid of him from the club,and I agree he needs support but sometimes the manager has to do his job and change things Time for one of the other lads to get an hour here and there
  3. too many key people at Motherwell believe and preach that the first goal is critical
  4. fuxache big man you make it sound shite! I don't remember the meal you describe but surprisingly do remember that I did have a wiener schnitzel (one of only two things in a foreign language I learned the whole trip: the other was neuk me from erm the films on the bus ) can't remember the bar going dry that early, but do remember being persuaded by big Sammy (Joker) & Woogie( RIP) to betray my mate Nelson(Cusack) and allow them to crash our room and ruin his early night you'd think if the bar was dry and there was no leccy after ten then nobody would have slept in the next morning
  5. So in the past few years we've had all sorts of problems which included mud The deep end and a patch in front of the main stand Hopefully the problems are over and Mr Ellis knows what he's dealing With
  6. see I agree with much of what you two lads are saying its just for me in the context a union flag still doesn't mean h*n
  7. see this is where you lose me you say a union flag is automatically associated with unsavoury views? to me thats a personal opinion that you are promoting, whereas Im saying that while I would never carry a union flag I can respect how many people still regard it as a symbol which represents them, particularly anyone who has ever been associated with the services and to me thats certainly not unsavoury, and yes I suspect it was a bit of poor taste that led to the flag being in the ground but I do not know that and I'm not willing to label a Motherwell supporter as a h*n just because they did take it in and I fail to see how Motherwell fans are no longer allowed to have polar opposite views of Celtic supporters, especially if you have ever had to endure the bile that comes from an element of their support. ianinoz Id guess that even if the guilty party did only take the flag in to wind up the Celtic fans then he/she does not find being associated as British as an issue since well there's a good chance they are British likewise if we had Irish 'Wellfans they would have no problem holding a tri-colour up in Ibrox a british subject holding a british flag is hardly a crime and as much as I'd never entertain it I'm not gonna lambast any Motherwell fans for doing it
  8. I dont need to ask why and am surprised you jump to a conclusion and you didnt raise the subject gary411 did about twenty posts before you you offered advice to Motherwell fans on how they could encourage others to join in the good atmosphere they are creating without alienating others, advice I agree with and would encorage them to take heed off my reply was aimed at Motherwell supporters being more concerned about how their Celtic supporting mates react and claiming that Motherwell has no association to a union flag ( the argument the beggars used to complain) so a slovakian flag is acceptable comparison on that train of thought me, you'll never catch me with a union flag but I've grown up supporting Motherwell and that was with many union flags around me in the grounds, that cannot be denied as much as personal opinions and hopes would love to deny it
  9. none of that is what I heard at the meeting the majority of the board will be elected by the society, its only two in its early stages and it will eventually all being well be the full board the trustees are already on place and are looking to hand over the shares as soon as possible and being realistic over a couple years is reasonable the current directors may or may not survive Edit since you have completely changed your post no need for the reply go along and ask your questions if you can
  10. why are you embarassed? and since when does Motherwell a team in Scotland part of the United Kingdom have no affiliation to the Union Flag why did you not just ask them why their were hunners of tri-colours in their support too many people gettin hung up on fuk all, it upset some Celtic fans good! some Motherwell fans getting upset because their Celtic fan mates are upset? have a word with yourself. can't mind all this fuss about the slovakian flag that used to cut about, seems some people need to get over their own views rather than blame it on upsetting Celtic fans used to be dozens of union flags at every Motherwell game, they have all drifted away over time, and I expect the same of the last couple unless the owners are given a challenge to bring them back out to upset the peace corp
  11. Brazilian

    Big Hutchie

    he has not long tweeted a picture of it exclaiming it looks worse than ever now, but he's with the Physio hurry back Hutchy Edit: as Aaron said
  12. meeting has now also been announced on the official site and in case anyone else has missed it (I did) there is now more information on the official site about the 'Well society http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/the-club/the-well-society/
  13. tigerwoods you are complaining about harsh treatment but admit guilt its hardly convincing on the face of it I'm not saying there is nothing to complain about its just your letter doesnt show anything unjust happened, in fact you provide evidence against Motherwell fans
  14. I'll answer that for him to save the bother we are not playing any different or any better than we were going into the Rangers game so why should we get something? I'll add that I still hope we win and even think if the manager/coaching staff & senior players sort out the motivation then we should be quite capable of something.
  15. from the limited insight your posts give it looks like you are blinkered as you deny your belief about ST then go on to jusitfy it but it would be too easy to take this off at a tangent it is not about season tickets or the benefits, its about raising real security for the club, and strengthening the position within its community I'd agree with one sentiment, they do not need to sell the £300 stake on the fringe benefits but dont see the need to complain about it when some people may score from them I don't believe there are positive alternatives, having sat through the meeting and listened to the discussions, anybody that thinks there are should sit through similar and here the pros and cons before knocking it. hopefully we'll get a surprise at the number of people that think £1000 is achievable,or perhaps £600 per household for his n hers or parent child ( kids can get a full membership as far as I'm aware?) and as much as the club are keen to maximise the income in the first sale, if households have to budget for only one membership in 2011, hopefully the same households will carry it on for 2nd and 3rd memberships over time Its worth looking into and exploring your thoughts on what its about, as opposed to skim reading a pamphlet and only seeing benefits you already think you have. EDIT: apologies Ive just read this and appear preachy, must be more into it that I thought, but I do believe its a good thing but appreciate others might want something direct back from it which is fine, I just dont think this is the scheme for them, maybe plough cash in through strip sponsorship etc
  16. Postie you have to sit on your hands and keep your mouth shut, so if you need picked up from the cells giv me a shout I'm off from Sunday morning
  17. as a non season ticket holder I'll say your miles oot saying patg fans will not be interested inthe society Because it's investing in the future of the club in a quite clear manner that in the circumstances seems to be the best option, nothing to do with some benefits in kind Too many folk think a season ticket is the only way to support the club , I'd argue it's probably the cheap way as opposed to the most beneficial way to the club
  18. not a specific date mentioned, but they are hopeful that payments can start to be taken in for November/December this year. it was mentioned that they await the FSA approval of IPS documentation, then they want things to gain momentum fairly quickly having been frustrated by all the background work that has delayed getting to even this stage. its always good to hear that the ex-pats are showing interest in supporting the club financially
  19. prices set at a decent level that should hopefully maintain the crowd numbers If the Hibbies hadn't been in turmoil I reckon the reduced price would have tempted a decent travelling support
  20. I only heard Craggs make a joke about Faddy being able to afford the £25k not that he had actually opted for it
  21. so did some of the board contribute some shares to the total held in trust as that indicates how much they feel it is the correct way forward two years was mentioned but thats a ball park figure,as later it was clarified that the timeframe will be determined by how long it takes for the 'Well society to be 'fit and proper' to be in full control of the club and those shares
  22. Gaag thats probably the perfect question for the next meeting or even direct to the wellsociety@motherwellfc.co.uk maybe they will put together a FAQ section as things move forward FWIW I took a slightly different interpretation to ladywelltois response the 'Well society in effect will control the majority shareholding in the club and as such will vote in the majority on the board who will take the decisions on running the club so if a billionaire showed up a couple of years down the line, the board elected by the society would take a decision based on whats best for the club and that would involve what happens to the societys share holding etc and no doubt the constitution will need to reflect how that is voted upon ie a referendum type scenario. in the present however before the society is fully up and running and in full control, John Boyles shareholding is still held in trust, so if the billionaire showed up tomorrow, the present board would take the decision on whats good for the club and if that was to sell as they are still JB's shares he would receive some of the payment for them. as soon as the society is formed some of those shares (45%?) that are in trust are immediately transferred to the society ( this was referred to as a transition phase) these are instantly the societys and as such JB has gifted them to the fans. the Billionaire would need the societys approval for purchase and the associated terms of that purchase ie payments to whom etc EDIT: maybe someone could confirm but I think I picked up that some of the present board contributed some of their personal shares to the total that is held in trust for the society to ensure that a full 75% was achieved ensuring the society controls the future of the club
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