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Orinoco last won the day on January 5

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  1. For a guy that's worked within the media in the past, his latest actions are non to bright. Sometimes it's best to keep a dignified silence. It's obvious he just could not cope with criticism from fans, and perhaps players and jumped in the knowledge he had a rolling contract to tide him over til his next job. We gave him a platform. He did well upto the point that he ran out of ideas and stomach to continue and perhaps tarnish his earlier good work. I expect he will rock up at Thistle sporting trendy ear plugs!
  2. Something different! Good background in coaching at various levels. Of course good coaches don't always make good managers. Hopefully the players take to him and his assistant and we kick on. The lines been drawn. Time everyone united and focused on improving our league position.
  3. For once the whole process has been kept private. As it should be. Hopefully the new guy unites everybody at the club and we move forward as one.
  4. Looking at our squad on the official site to try and gauge who we are missing, and came across Ward. Forgot all about his signing. Given how poor the goalie was yesterday, perhaps Ward should get a chance. Whilst I dont want anybody to lose their job, it might be good for a new goalkeeper coach.
  5. Frail saying new manager is bringing his own assistant. Complete fresh look is required.
  6. Clearout out required. The coaches are as much of the problem as the players.
  7. Some reaction this has been. Total clear out of backroom staff required now and player clearout at end of season. No leadership on and off the field. Same tactics, same end result. Football is far to expensive to continue to be bothered with this lot. It's only a game, and there's plenty of things I would enjoy more.
  8. There's a wet wall in need to go and watch.
  9. As I said before Caldwell is worth a watching.
  10. Your football CV is much like mine. The sad thing is that the club is in our heart and it's the hope that keeps bringing us back. The club has been in some really dark places in the past, but we always found a way to survive and push on. We badly need leadership and someone to lift us out of this apathy.
  11. Like many don't think I will bother with this. On and off the field we are going to get battered. Sad state of affairs when fans show this levels of apathy. Our club is just meh just now. Mind you scottish football does not deserve the support it gets given appalling standards.
  12. Perhaps if certain players had done their job properly, then this mess would not have happened. How's about the players for once take some responsibility. It's their performances that dictate the narrative each week.
  13. Let Brown learn his trade elsewhere. He has not shown anything in management to date to merit a chance at the top division.
  14. So our fan base are to accept attacks on their character, when the majority has been mostly understanding and supportive. Being critical constructively is not abuse. We all wanted a successful team.
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