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Everything posted by Wellfan1984

  1. How is it the managers job to organise a free kick?
  2. I know a fair few who do that, but come International Week have travelled all over Europe to watch Scotland? And I know a lot of them who do that, do it to wind up the bigots... So what's Your point?
  3. Pressley's experience showed but we had enough clear cut chances to win the game a few times over! A good young player who hasn't really had a rest since his début. Time on the sidelines could do him a world of good
  4. We were talking about signing him permantly earlier. Well I have just got the Motherwell DB back for the Football Manager Update and according to the Danish Researcher/Midtjylland 1999 reseacher he has a buy option fee of 2,500,000 Danish Krone, which in English is £233,015 as of today
  5. If International Teams don't use 1-11. IN last European Qualifications Italy kept their squad numbers from the previous World Cup, and only added numbers when and needed.
  6. Actually it is more like 5th place COULD be fucked if the Old Firm win the Scottish Cup Guessing that means it is likely to be up to the SFA
  7. That's old. He said that against eh... one of the games in the last few weeks! Inverness maybe?
  8. UEFA are all for the Non-Cup Winners not getting into the cup. Have been since some team from the Portugese Second Division got there. Although if I remember rightly they have done better than most league placed teams have from Scotland.
  9. Nope. We have had real deals, but once he becomes the real deal in the eyes of the Fir Park fans is the day he plays for the best clubs in Europe. lets face it we could have Messi in our team and he wouldn't be the real deal to some fans because he didn't set the heather a light at the start. Motherwell are what we are. Bring the lads through, and put them in the shop window... or sign them on two year contracts and get screwed by the big boys
  10. So tell me again what you are actually moaning at? Boyle and the Club have won a very long Debt Recovery case. Does it matter who gets the money since in the end all extras are technically Boyles by right anyway
  11. Have you got the judgement in front of you like. The Pursuer could be either Motherwell Football & Athletic Club (For John Boyle) or it could be John Boyle (for Motherwell Football & Athletic Club) or even better it could be the media thought Motherwell Football Club v John Spencer would be a better headline that Boyle v Spencer For those who are interested the Court Website don't have the Judgment up but they do have Lord Carloway's Judgement on our Interim Administration.
  12. It is scary to think he is still only 23 though
  13. If he's the "real" deal he ain't going to be playing with Motherwell is he!
  14. Aye because the Solicitor Fees at an average of £190-£250 per hour, not to mention Court dues etc will not eat into any of that. The Writ started in 2007, now I am not a mathematician but that is a long time in a debt recovery case, especially one that was defended from start to finish. I would hate to see what the PBA's costs come to Boyle will be lucky to see £50K of his OWN money.
  15. I guess me and my auld man better stop supporting Scotland then! What about all the army brats in the world (like me and my dad, Kevin Kerr etc) or those who are forced to move away from Scotland due to job commitments, say for example Darren Fletcher has a kid, he was born in Manchester and turns out to be one of the greatest footballers in the world. He shouldn't be allowed to play for Scotland despite his Auld Man doing so because his auld man was playing for one of the best clubs in the world? Bollocks to that!
  16. Aye he is another one that did a "McGeady" but unlike McGeady O'Brien never played for Scotland ever. Nor was Scotland interested at the time.
  17. We could have a Hughes situation on our hands where the selling club will do anything to get rid off. If true then I could say we'll be seeing him back next season
  18. Aberdeen were out of the picture at this stage last season, and lets be honest it took a very nervous match at Fir Park to finally put them away. Granted it is unlikely any of the clubs above us will go through what we did in the last half of the season. But then again, they all have to play each other, and if we beat them when we play them then how is it unrealistic? Unlikely as it may be, it could be alot easier that it looks, if they all cut each others throats.
  19. Anyone thought he is doing the same thing he did after Accies just using different words. After Accies humbled us he came out and said Motherwell were the worst side in the league, and he was the worst manager. Here he is saying we're not going to get a European Place. Basically he is asking for the players to prove him wrong. So far, it worked the first time. Yet he would be slated if come the summer we had NO goalkeeper in place! McGhee nor Motherwell can wait till the summer to see what Buzz decides to do.
  20. Surely they should get kicked oot! Two rule breaks in about 3 years if true
  21. Decent keeper. Granted not awe inspiring but then again neither was Marshall or Smith, and both turned out to be decent acquisitions. Motherwell are not going to sign a keeper that sets the fans singing from the roof tops.
  22. I was just leaving work! Leave me alone
  23. I wouldn't be shocked if they could write in English better than half the people in this country could... including me. Speaking. Well there English is better that our Polish that's for sure.
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