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Everything posted by DonGoodman

  1. A fine picture you've got there Jay. Sair face for you soon though.

  2. That is absolutely hilarious that hat. I don't see what the point is really, it just seems like a waste of space putting it in any MFC publications. I'd say the same about a young boys team as well although argueably there is some difference in that a young boy could maybe have the chance to actually play for Motherwell one day. It would still be pretty pointless though and hardly anyone would read it. So basically they pay the club for the use of the name aye?
  3. DonGoodman

    Don Goodman

    I hope you taped it.
  4. To be fair it probably doesn't seem the hassle for the 5 people who would actually read about it and care. Good luck to them and that though, are they actually ran by the club in any sort of way?
  5. According to the email I got its across from the Gavin Hamilton Sports Centre mate. Although I've only ever played the town hall as part of the Darvel music festival so to be honest I won't have a clue till the day. Here's another quick lynx inspired effort. Someone has to be good at this surely, mines have been pretty shite so far.
  6. Maybe he'll begin to think he's a paedophile and actually start shagging kids. Its definitely a new excuse anyway. Im not even suggesting its an appropriate (or even funny) chant, but fucking hell this has been blown way out of proportion.
  7. Alright but just speak into your hands or something. Cheers Fatley.
  8. Damaging To be fair i'd imagine its quite hard for you to get your words out in person Bryson seeing as no c**t can stand talking to you for over 2 seconds as you spray a small fountain from your virgin lips. So on this occasion i guess it makes sense for a man of your age to resort to name calling over the internet. In all seriousness though is it some sort of extra saliva problem or are you just a complete downer? Edited to also point out the fact you're specky and ginger.
  9. And your post was mature Bryson? A lot worse could be said about yourself but i'll leave the personal attacks over the internet for the arseholes that wouldn't have the balls to do it in person.
  10. Last minute addition to Sparras mob here. Accomodation seems to be a bit of a problem, anyone needing a room mate?
  11. Agreed. An experienced manager please JB. Learn from your past mistakes.
  12. Just out of curiosity, where did you find those quotes from Ross?
  13. How much did Bop bung you to post that Finlay? Incidentally "My name is Finlay...."
  14. DonGoodman


    Someone suggested to me it shows that the badge is going to be in the middle. Correct? Quickly on the subject of mods seeing as folk are having a wee bitch above...I was accused the other day of trying to hack into all of your mod accounts by one of you. You can fuck right off with that sort of paranoid chat.
  15. Tommy Coyne m'lord, Tommy Coyne.
  16. DonGoodman


    I too had heard the club were having a nightmare with Bukta with both supply and quality – even struggling for tops for the first-team, never mind the likes of the Youth Development squads. From what I hear strong words weren’t enough and when ranges had to be taken off the shelves, that was the last straw. Canterbury are a massive company so I can’t wait to see what they have in store!
  17. Perhaps the most effort I have ever seen someone put into a Welltrust profile Michele. Impressive.

  18. How genuine are these rumours however?
  19. Where did you get the fee from gullane? He's been a very good bit of business in any case. I wish him luck down there.
  20. I watched that show a while back, its like dragons den without JB actually putting any money into the business. He just gives them advice and criticism. Surely if their idea was that good he'd be looking to get in on it in some way.
  21. Those are some cracking pictures Cosmo. In regards to the stadium its always struck me as a waste of resources that Fir Park will have a gym and five a side pitches that aren't available to the public. I've heard they exist anyway, i've never actually seen them. In this day and age expanding your stadium to include a bigger gym for public use and renting out other facilities would surely be a good source of income. Can you even book the astroturf park when its not being used?
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