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Everything posted by East_Stand_Al

  1. Totally agree with both posts , Cnut deserves all he gets or disnae get as the case may be !
  2. I might wrote to the SPL/SFA and demand clarification. Is this part of an anti snow agenda ?
  3. Yee ha I wasn't making it anyway hopefully make the rescheduled game !
  4. Re-arranged dates for the matches with both Hearts (28th Nov) and St Mirren (29th Jan) should be confirmed, by the SPL, tomorrow... (From MFC Twitter)
  5. Its getting a bit sticky now
  6. Way too much detail there but thanks for sharing
  7. I hope all this "Fame" doesn't go to there heads signing autographs at the next home game
  8. If we could have it the other way for real ..................
  9. I'll be more than a little surprised if it's on, (Selfishly hopes its off cos he caany go anyway)
  10. Looked to me like the guys involved had a good time, it was really funny to watch, what does it matter if they are or are not atypical of 'Well fans ?
  11. So excluding the possibility of Jambos game being rearranged our next set of fixtires look like Killy (H) Dundee Utd (A) Aberdeen (A) I think we can take maximum points before the back to back Old Scum Rangers (H) Celtic (A). Am I just being a bit paranoid or do we seem to have more than our fair share of OF back to back ?
  12. Somewhere in the region of 40k was mentioned when they thought we had no ref.
  13. So the baying mob claim a 2nd scalp, is this the future of Scottish Football disband the SFA /SPL/ SFL and let Celtic determine everything. At least he got to screw is over one last time.
  14. What if anything has been gained by this "Strike", Certain elements of an SPL club(who shall remain nameless) are triumphant in one man losing his job it was inintially thinly veiled as upholding the honour of the pope and the Catholic faith, but once he walked it was more like when the wicked witch was killed in The Wizard of Oz. Those self same people have the scent of SFA Blood and will continue to snarl and bark and demand their honour be satisfied every time a decision goes against them. Now there are reports of the Refs wanting tougher sanctions against clubs when individuals from them question their integrity and honesty even going so far as points being deducted. Had the authorities dealt with certain incidents and persons firmly and publicly in the first place we may not have found ourselves in the midst of this farce. This ridiculous scenario is by no means done and dusted it will continue to trundle on and may even get worse before it gets better.
  15. Fair enough Andy but then the snow started friday night, it was ibvious to anyone who has the capacity to check a short range weather forecast that we had more coming, call me cynical but is this the" How does the man that drives the snowplough get to his work" scenario ? Gritters and snow ploughs out overnight and early doors kick iff was not till 2:15 plenty of time to clear the streets surrounding FP or put out a rallying cry for fans to come help. Its just occured to me did the TV trucks turn up? If they did then its even more farcical.
  16. Newcastle Game gets the go ahead, I'm no expert but I'd hazard a guess they've had as much if not more snow than central Lanarkshire. I was out and about yesterday and the main roads were fine, all ths shopping areas were busy too. A wee bit of snow and we grind to a halt, why is it that countries such as Canada and the Scandinavian nations cope with huge snowfalls without disruption and we can't deal with maybe a foot of the white stuff ?
  17. Its a conspiracy I tells ya, Sky, NLC and ra Polis are all in with the refs. Does this mean that the Refs will have to be on strike for the rearranged tie for us and dumpdee untied ?
  18. Don't forget the Fir Park factor especially the East stand where it knocks about 5 degrees of the ambient tempreature, thermals on I think.
  19. There were some suggestions of that, issues about strike breaking etc. all bolloks IMO, a 6 pointer on the telly why wouldn't anyone want it to go ahead ?
  20. Can someone unmask these superheroes ? if they could do it L-R back row first stylie as they appeared that would be good.( or stick their actual name next to thier screen name above)
  21. From the Daily Retard/Rebel "Luxembourg referee Alain Hamer, who is due to oversee Celtic v Inverness and Dundee United v Rangers this weekend, is on strike in his homeland, as officials boycott matches involving two local sides due to the levels of abuse they have been receiving" You couldnae make it up
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