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Everything posted by East_Stand_Al

  1. I just can't understand having murphy wide on the right, today as he did on thursday kept cutting inside and running into trouble. I don't see where our goals are going to come from this season.
  2. +1 HOTD for this pish. We got beat we're out of Europe every single one of us is pissed off and hurting. Turning on each other like a pack of wild dogs is not going to ease the pain it will only serve to make it worse. I for one am immensley proud of what oor wee team has achieved and am optimistic for this season which starts on Sunday !!!!
  3. I think if anyone had vuvuzelas they'd have them shoved somewhere grossly unpleasant
  4. My fear is that with so much at stake theres a lot of nervous tension inside the ground and certain sections of the support start to get on players backs with the ususal unhelpful comments. At Killie on Sunday Murphy made an error and there was people giving it "Oh unlucky Jamie son" Fitz made the same error and was castigated for it "For fucks sake ya dumplin", we can do without that on Thursday every single fan needs to get behind every single player especially the younger ones. I know come kick off my stomach will be doing somersaults no idea how I'll be able to concentrate at work during the day.
  5. Blackman for me , not just for the goal but kept popping up to make defensive clearances too. Solid performances from reynolds and hammy too to be fair
  6. Even more impressive when you look at the team on the fishal site http://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/index.php?op...1&Itemid=57
  7. Can we take it that you were too busy jumping about like a maddy to take a pic of the scoreboard at 2 -1 . Brilliant pics everyone thanks for sharing them.
  8. Careful there David that post is very close to being an outbreak of common sense, as I've said before not sure theres a place for commonsense and intelligent debate in here
  9. Heard tonight that subject to the club giving permission the Real Radio Football phone in will be live from Fir Park on thursday. Ewen Cameron was waxing lyrical about the 'Well and wants to get the whole nation rooting for us on Thursday. Thoughts ?
  10. £20 for what is potentially our biggest game ever. I'm there phoned today got my ST seat pick them up tomorrow, sorted.
  11. This is very similar if not quite identical to last season when they did the same, my mates got a ST for broadwood gets free car parking too.
  12. Not sure I follow your logic, could you expand please ?
  13. Which will change nothing, the club have taken the decision to increase ticket prices in order to boost revenue, the manager recently announced there was no money available at present for further transfers and there wasn't as much panty wetting. I shouldn't think a decision like this is taken lightly, its a commercial decision which should benefit the club, can someone please tell me what is so wrong in wanting the club to benefit ?
  14. The club increase ticket prices for this game by a fiver and we end up with 6 pages banging on and on and on, simple if you want to go pay your £20 and go if not dont. Simples.
  15. I think I can speak for the vast majority when saying you will be made to feel very welcome regardless of the outcome of the match. We are a friendly bunch, please don't think comments like that are typical.
  16. You could have had flows seat when he went for a pie
  17. Recent video of our next opponents http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSjJJftElQQ
  18. Sounds good, thanks for that mate
  19. I just wish they'd stop spouting shite an pony up the dough, we could certainly use it as we've flights to denmark to fund
  20. Club shop will not be selling the Purple Goalie top that Randolph was wearin last night only the black "Home" Goalie shirt.
  21. I just cant shake the suspicion that Real Radio will be involved in some way.
  22. MOTM for sure, although instead of the match ball, craggs gets to keep that big striker that he kept in his pocket all night.
  23. No matter how many or how few I'm sure you'll be made to feel very welcome especially if its to cry into a beer after the game .
  24. I'm guessing that for now we'll not be seeing this fabled striker, broony says he's getting nae mair money for players. Obviously that might change if we get a result on thursday +/or the cash from Cardiff
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