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Everything posted by LadywellToi

  1. I see 'Flow is reviewing this thread, any news from the inner sanctum you are prepared to or can release to the plebs?
  2. If he does stay then there are much better and more ethical ways of getting a little bit more cash out the chairman. His behaviour doesn't really fit with the rhetoric he's spouted such as "last job will be at Motherwell" and "we are gentlemen".
  3. What is safe to report - he has definitely burned bridges with his behaviour in the past few days. Remaining at FP is now untenable. Just don't understand his thinking, Hibs offer so much more than Aberdeen on so many different levels and he turned that one down. Let Milne build you a old-folks home, don't let the door hit your lying arse on the way out.
  4. I look forward to: "well we won more corners than them" after Hibs beat them on the final Saturday of the season and send them down.
  5. Aberdeen going for another manager in the same league who by his own admission doesn't have many season(s) left in him says to me what is completely wrong with their approach and Scottish Football in general. Also with respect to their lack of contracts, most on here feel its down to Boyle and Dempster rather than Brown and Knox engineering it - I don't know for certain what is the case but its evident that Craig isn't as dopey as many have assumed already.
  6. In no particular order: 1) Guys & Dolls or Westside Story? 2) I'm buggered if I'm going to be bullied by yet another manager to dig into my pockets for the umpteenth time to satisfy their ego's despite making them well aware of our finances before starting. 3) Stripes are very slimming
  7. So what Craig is to getting more cash brinkmanship you are to growing the Steelmen Online membership. As I have recently undergone the benefit of anti-bigotry training courtesy of Mr Fearney at the Catholic church I now feel I can shout CONSPIRACY!
  8. Christ the amount of members on here tonight, its like a virtual East Stand c.1995 with half a dozen opposition fans hiding their scarves. The journo's are the equivalent of the rozzers.
  9. Plenty of them will be journo's, anyone want to get anything off their chest?
  10. I know he can't say too much because of confidentiality and all that, but all this astute poker player crap is getting on my tits. OK he has to watch what he says but now he is starting to treat the whole Motherwell support with the lack of respect. Respect being the one thing he puts forward as his defining quality and virtue. If he is after commitment and extra funding from JB going forward then I can't but help thinking he has been advised by the same guy as Wayne Rooney 2 months ago. We will have a maximum of 2.5 years, 1.5 minimum out of him, best to start the ball rolling to get a replacement.
  11. What media outlet should be looking at to find out first what his status will be.
  12. 48 hours ago I was commenting why I felt there was no chance of it happening, now while I still think its a long short I'm not as sure as I was. If he does go, it could be something as simple as he didn't feel the club supported him and Archie last week with the NLL thing that could be the straw the broke the camels back. Money isn't on the agenda at both clubs in January, we offer proximity to his house and home life, Aberdeen do command a larger support although require a lot more work to get them performing. There is also the Archie factor, I can't see him leaving him high and dry. If he does go then this "gentlemen's agreement" stuff would mean I couldn't ever regard him in the same way ever again.
  13. How hard is it to identify someone? You look at the CCTV footage, you tie that in with your season ticket database and you tell them to bugger off. Why are we still waiting to hear something 4 weeks later? For me, there are bigger issues here, a portion of Celtic fans do this every year, they had meetings well in advance with supporters groups, however the board always seem surprised. Celtic FC employees then facilitated them getting the banners into the ground (probably through the exit gates due to the size). Nothing happened on the day to cease the protest, nothing was said after the game, very little came out in the press until the radio phone-ins on Monday night. Clean up your own house Kearney!
  14. Will Kearney offer a deal if we did sign up? i.e. buy a course of Anti-Bigotry and get 50% off Paranoia 101 and a free Geography seminar (that conveys that we are actually in Ireland). Not forgetting a reduced rate subscription to "The Struggle" a monthly magazine that tries to convince its readers they do have a valid reason to sing about wars 300 years ago.
  15. 100% on the nose mjw, I was always told, best to get your own house in order before you go preaching to others. At least the club get the general feeling about this from the support.
  16. Peter Kearney should be spending his time not over-reacting to emails and looking to abolish separate schooling. As long as a "them-and-us" mentality is fostered from a young age then you'll never rid it from our society. If I was Leeann I'd tell them that we are already a non-sectarian club and we've been doing OK for the past 125 years, thanks very much.
  17. For all we know, last Tuesday when the announcement was made, maybe today's snow was forecast for Saturday which would have endorsed their decision. I've used differing 5 day forecasts over the past year and I've found them usually to be around 24 hours out - give or take. Also the ref's thing and Celtic, I wouldn't be surprised if the decision was made that little bit easier as it gives everyone a chance to cool down. I should get a job writing tabloid headlines.
  18. Not going to happen and the comments on that forum show how out of touch they are. Their 80's success, you did well, you have a sizeable support compared to many outside the OF however 30 years on and they still have this delusional hangover. At present Craig leaves his nice pad in Ayr, picks up Archie from his nice pad on the way and show up in Motherwell. Despite the slim transfer budget, they are getting kudos and plaudits from the press, fans and board. Craig's stock is rising after his stint as Scotland manager and we now look back on his record as think "hey that's not as bad as we thought at the time". I would find it a hard sell for Archie to go to his wife and say, "6 days a week I'm going to be living in Aberdeen", and even if its a villa and not a hotel, combine that with the fact he was integral in the Rangers setup when Durrant was maimed and still counts him as a close friend. There is a bit too much history there. I also tend to think they only come as a pair now. They have also stated they entered into a gentleman's agreement with respect to their status at FP. These guys are old school when your word means something, not like Gannon when you say one thing while pursuing other options. So are they going to leave .... no, just another example of lazy journalism where the reporter thinks to himself, "OK a SPL team needs a new manager, which other SPL manager is doing well? .... Brown and Butcher, OK now I have a story.
  19. OK, to clarify, the paragraph referenced North Lanarkshire Leisure, not the council as a whole. Employee's who generally walk around in their shorts with a gallus swagger with a whistle in their mouth. With respect to the question whether I'd ever worked for a council, no, however I used to be involved with recruitment to the 14 councils in the west of Scotland. On a personal matter, I've dealt with different departments of NLC over the past few years and a fair proportion I've found have been inept and wouldn't cope outside the bubble of the public sector where its almost impossible to be fired. Needless to say there are many who do graft and put in the hours. I suppose its all down to what era you entered the public sector and when you did so in your own career. I'd suggest someone entering as a 16 year old apprentice who is now in their 40's would have a different attitude and experience compared to someone entering 5 years ago as a 35 years old. However, none of this particular debate has anything to do with Craig and Archie and Ravenscraig. I'm more than happy to continue on Compost corner.
  20. I would say not as much as much as he once did, however how much do you expect from anyone can who lives 10,000 miles away from Fir Park? For me, living in a sunny paradise and still finding the time to sit in front of a computer to find out what's going on back home is enough. Plus I'm sure the launch of Motherwell TV in the new year will allow him to "contribute" enough that he doesn't attract more of your criticism. Getting back to the thread, I agree with Kmcalpin, sometimes we are too quick to assume the worst or be over protective. For me this whole thing made it to light in a week with no football and no Celtic whining. If our management team were out of order then it was equally out of order for a employee of NLC to go to the press. With respect to the chair of quango body that is NL Leisure, a councillor who for all we know was a postman, steelworker or trade unionist but I would bet almost definitely not a administrator/businessman with a track record of running a multi-million pound turnover organisation before his foray into politics. Maybe he should be looking at addressing a framework how the professional teams use the facility rather than sabre-rattling and citing over the top PC nonsense over his over-sensitive, molly-coddled, flexi-time, workshy employees.
  21. Just surprises me that Craigie often exhibits a text-book display of diplomacy countered by this event. With milo though, slow news week in football due to frozen pitches and Celtic getting their way.
  22. Didn't go last year but heard from a few mates who went it was really good. Will there be sandwiches? ... Their appearance or lack of, could be the deal breaker.
  23. I hope Diggle has been to Costco to buy his tissues
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