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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Gaag

    Accies On Saturday

    Not you mate... Frazza and manbearpig
  2. Gaag

    Accies On Saturday

    guys is there any particular reason you are posting random nonsense all over the boards?!?
  3. Mon the Alfa's!!

  4. I agree, smith has been much, much better this season! He's certainly seemed to have gotten his banana kicks sorted! Although how come this always happens when a players contract is expiring? Coincidence? Are we re-signing Kevin McBride in the transfer window
  5. Ask Jim and your missus to go with you and go in one by one?
  6. I sent this to the club this morning: Hi, I’m writing to express my disappointment at your statement that you will be unable to facilitate telephone or internet bookings for tickets for the Scottish Cup tie against Inverurie Loco’s in January. I am a member of Gaidhealtchd Dossers, a group of Motherwell supporters from the Highland & Grampian region who travel to many of the clubs games. There are a number of us who regularly travel to games, many of us having season tickets of our own. However, can we honestly be expected to make the trip to Fir Park over the Christmas period to get tickets, only to find out that they have just sold out after a 3hr drive down there? I think that the fact we travel thousands of miles in a year to support Motherwell should surely make us worthy of consideration when it comes to games in this region. At this rate none of us will get to the game, and I must say, although I understand your position, I’m extremely disappointed by this news. I look forward to hearing your views on this. Wonder what kind of response I'll get
  7. to be fair... the majority of games we are on telly with are games where we're not really expected to win (i.e. old firm) Although it looks bad on paper, I'd take that kind of statistic with a pinch of salt. We will beat Hamilton this weekend, and end talk of this type for a while!
  8. I take exception to that to I must say. If the Gaidhealtchd Dossers flag isn't flying at the Loco Works I'll be most disappointed
  9. Great, well there goes my chances of getting a ticket for the game. That's totally rubbish! I live nearer the ground than most folk on here yet i'm not going to get to go? Not happy
  10. Gaag


    well this site does represent a broad section of the Motherwell support... I think that it's only right that we push the club to give us a statement on your concerns. I definitely think it's worth putting our concerns across to the club, and requesting some answers. At the end of the day I highly doubt they will just ignore us if we put a constructive letter to them stating our problems and reasons for them.
  11. Gaag

    Season 09/10

    We're giving up the season ticket simply due to the fact that it's just not possible for me to get down to every game. I go to more away games than i do home games these days! As another poster said, at many games i go to, the pay at the gate punters are getting a decent deal, so that'll do me. The club will still be getting my money.
  12. Gaag

    'Dear Supporter'

    This is the only part of your post i disagree with. i'm sure the club has put a lot of thought into these promotions, and, if run properly over a sustained length of time can have a fairly significant impact on the local fan base. It's simple marketing really. Lose a few pounds on promoting these things, but even if the club gains an additional 100 regular supporters out of it, that could potentially be worth an extra £180,000 to the club over 5 years (based on an entry fee of £20 and 18 home games a season). At the end of the day, for the club as a business, the cashflow is as important as it's perceived reputation in the town. Both are equally as important as each other. With money being as it is, I'm sure MFC wouldn't go wasting money on these promotions without doing a bit of homework first. That said, I think they could make a lot more of an impact if promoted effectively. Sometimes you have to speculate to accumulate. That's why I think it's vitally important the club ensure that these letters are delivered as and when they should be. Given the fact that this is pretty much their only avenue of promotion (other than the 'fishel site) then it's just wasting the chance otherwise.
  13. I'd have to think long and hard about it... but would Rangers really want Reynolds given our teams current form?
  14. Gaag

    Accies On Saturday

    I mean McGarry isn't doing very well at the moment granted, but I think we'd be much better off getting someone new in to replace that position permanently.
  15. Gaag

    Accies On Saturday

    I love how folks opinions differ on certain players. To me, Fitzy is a bit of a non entity. I don't really rate him. I'd rather have a new midfielder all together, but would play McGarry over Fitzy.
  16. that is indeed sad news. Condolences to his family, and spreading his ashes on the park is a fitting tribute
  17. Special AKA said that his colleague was in making deliveries to the locos ground and was told that they'd sold their allocation already... EDIT: Pie's mate was on the wind up
  18. The Loco's have sold out their ticket allocation EDIT: Naw they haven't!
  19. Gaag


    broken wrist/hand i hear?
  20. something seriously needs to be done about the stewarding at fir park. Are the stewards recruited by the club? Or is it a contractor?
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