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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Fuck remaining dignified. Backstabbing bastard deserves everything he gets. Hope he chokes on his horlicks.
  2. Gaag

    Judas Speaks.

    Arsehole, I'm really unhappy at listening to this. Backstabbing bastard.
  3. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Right, I'm away to have a beer, cannae be arsed validating new members anymore. So me, and them, will have to wait till the morning to find out what really happened.
  4. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Hope he'll still be man enough to attend the MST Forum evening....
  5. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Aye but they thought that Scotsport was a good show I know it's happening, but I still hope it's a load of horse shit.
  6. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    tis done I'm hearing. As far as I'm aware it's been done since before tea time.
  7. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Actually the majority of the 53 new registrations i've had tonight seem to be first time well fans. Not all though! Some duplicate, some dons fans and some media folk.
  8. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    The 'fishel statment reads: Not just the first one then?!
  9. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Aye. If he was on a contract, AFC wouldn't even be looking at him.
  10. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Source: SteelmenOnline
  11. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Absolutely right, especially Miller. A lot of them think he's the main reason for the problems. Which makes me wonder why Brown would even consider it knowing that the director of football can't even run his own chippy without going into liquidation, never mind a football club day to day.
  12. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    25 new registrations in 9 minutes
  13. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Haw! You've taken that too far..
  14. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Except I'm RC, so I'm obviously a child molesting conspirator It'll be on wikileaks tomorrow!
  15. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    12 new user validations in about 3 minutes
  16. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Contact pressteam in coatbridge if you want a job
  17. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Done Temporarily of course
  18. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Aye, think I'll make the forum invisible to guests so all the reporters can't get their stories here! I'm sure it just flashed up on SSN that he was staying?! Don't quote me on it
  19. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    Still think we should haud the horses a wee bit till we hear it from the proverbial horses.
  20. Gaag

    Craig Brown Statement

    I was so hoping it wasn't true, cannae take anymore of this pish. Brown has a lot to answer for if he goes to Aberdeen as is looking likely. But even more so, the powers that be at 'Well should be hung drawn and quartered for allowing this to happen by letting him work without a contract. The second we had a half decent start to the season this should have been sorted. And if Brown wouldn't play ball, then get rid. This is our club that's stake and NO ONE, player, manager or staff is more important than that. Away and fuck. Been shafted one too many times for my liking. P.S I reserve the right to retract this statement should it turn out to be a load of pish!
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