A NSFW Sub Forum of the Compost Corner is being added on a trial basis to see how it gets on before possibly implementing it permanently when we move servers.
This forum will be password protected and you will have to PM me to get access to it.
By agreeing to access the NSFW section you are agreeing to see and read things that you may or may not find offensive, so I'll warn you now, if you are easily offended, don't ask for a password. And certainly don't start complaining about post after post in there.
2 rules for the NSFW Sub Forum. No hardcore pornography, and no racist/sectarian abuse. That's it.
Flip side to this is, that any personal abuse, winding up or trolling of other members on the main compost corner section will be deleted on sight and will result in warning increase/post moderation/bans (as appropriate).
This should be live by the middle of the afternoon.