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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Gaag

    Signing #6

    he was pish on tuesday night, but didn't see the game at tannadump so can't comment on that. Effort means nothing in this game without an end result.
  2. Gaag

    Co-op Draw

    great... bogey team!
  3. Yes, encourage the fans of the future :worshippy:
  4. Do they say concession or student on them? Just out of interest like
  5. do you not think that it's by luck or sheer coincidence that we haven't conceeded in the league in a wee while? I do, I still think our defensive frailties from set pieces are easy to see, as ICT so adeptly pointed out the other night.
  6. Gaag


    +1 for my thoughts exactly.
  7. Gaag


    call me presumptive, call me an idiot, call me negative... but i Jutkewicz the new Callum Elliot? Absolutely crap I thought he was.
  8. tonight after tempting fate like this...
  9. Gaag

    Champions League

    aye well said Ernie. On that note, I hope we get Stuttgart in the Champions League next year, cos if rangers can draw with them it should be easy enough
  10. Gaag


    I thought the team kit was the super duper real mccoy all singing all dancing CCC gear worth a fortune? Surely they'd have taken more care on producing those kits since it's the ones the players are actually going to be wearing. FWIW I agree completely with you Lip69, it's a complete and utter joke.
  11. Gaag


    Ah love Jane Lewis
  12. yeh me too, i think it'll be a score draw, united are no mugs going for a 2-2
  13. Gaag


    sorry to be a pain, but when is the away shirt actually due for sale?
  14. is that actually our best start in 14 years? Surely we've won 2 and drawn at least one of our first four games in that time? Although we are notorious slow starters i guess
  15. i'd be over the moon with 7 points, but equally as happy with 5 in the league and a comfortable passage to the next round of the CIS against Caley
  16. Gaag


    Aye, reynolds was definitely wearing a captains armband on saturday, not sure about forbes though
  17. Gaag

    In's And Out's

    so what about Meldrum oot, Leighton in?!?
  18. Please pay particular attention to rules 3,4,5,6 and the amendment to 8. These rules will be enforced vigorously from now on. Regarding the signature rules amendment, you have 24hrs to make sure your signature is the right size or contains non offensive content, after which time it will be deleted on sight by the mods and admin. Sorry about the rules but we must have a few in place. 1. Threads should be made in the appropriate forum, any off topic threads posted ... will be moved by the Mods or Admins to more appropriate forums. 2. Members are encouraged to avoid multiple posts on identical topics in the same forum. Multiple posting splinters discussion on a topic and its best that only one thread is used for a popular topic. Sometimes when two identical threads posted at the exact same time (which can happen immediately after a match, goal or after a news conference) then the Mods or Admins may close or merge some of these threads if there is little or no reply to it so as to keep discussion to one thread. 3. Threads which degenerate into long drawn out abusive slagging matches between members will ultimately be closed. 4. Rascist and sexist remarks are not tolerated and will be deleted, and the member(s) responsible will be dealt with accordingly 5. Consistent and frequent abusive conduct towards other members is not allowed and members guilty of continuous abusive conduct will be warned by the Mods or Admins. However, everyone is entitled to a second chance and banning members is an absolute last resort. 6. Steelmen Online is open to all ages and is used by members from their workplace, therefore posts need to be respectful. Please take this into consideration when posting images on the board. Members are not permitted to have images of a pornographic nature in their profile, and if a Member's Profile is found to contain this, then the Mods or Admins may decide to edit/delete the profile. No pornographic links or images depicting genetalia are to be allowed. 7. Posters that spam or continually wind up posters of a particular board will result in their access to the board being removed (nb - please note these do NOT have to be personal insults) 8. Signature amendment below 9. Keep your Avatar and sig images an appropriate size please, you dont need to stick a poster in there, 100 by 100 is about the biggest an avatar should need to be. Sig amendment below. 10. a. Piracy is against the law - please do not post up codes or links to any copyrighted material either on this site or any other - this includes torrents. b. Do Not Use This Forum For Setanta Codes! This practice is illegal. Do not use this forum to exchange illegal codes. Anyone caught doing so will be immediately banned. NO second chances! c. Anything that you don't want the whole world to see - use your PM system (obviously this excludes the above ) Rules amendment 5th September 09: Signatures and Avatars Guidelines Your signature and avatar can contain anything you wish providing it stays within the rules of the forum. You may post links to your own website or another one and use the space to advertise it. Not Allowed: Explicit images and language (and misrepresentation of language) not suitable for under 18's Links to explicit material not suitable for under 18's Referral Links (e.g. Sign up for a free iPod) Please ensure your signature is no larger then 600px wide by 250px tall, including any text and not larger then 1MB. If you have a signature which exceeds these sizes it will be removed. Steelmen Online shows Racism the Red Card Steelmen Online is against Sectarianism... of any kind. Gaag --------------------
  19. Gaag

    In's And Out's

    Paul DiGiacomo and Simon Lynch were in my year at school and I worked beside Faddy's Maw at Kwik-Fit when he was playing for the 'Well.
  20. Gaag

    In's And Out's

    Ryan Scanlon from Ross County and Ross Hyslop back from Scunthorpe? Is this new news? Both 17 i think, but good prospects by all accounts
  21. what about Michael Campbell the NZ golfer? He was at FP once no?
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