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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Gaag


    Aye, good questions Finlay. And if the strip is being unveiled at half time in the Killie game, would it be worthwhile to start selling them in the club shop for a couple of hours immediately after the game? I'm presuming the away strip will just be a white and claret reverse of the home strip, but i'm as interested in the away strip as the home one!
  2. right, just keep the boo boys and bams away from the games, lets all be the happy clappy brigade to the end of the season! Jolly good show referee
  3. Gaag


    will the team will be making the new kit debut at our first Europa League game if we qualify?
  4. hopefully the sfa will confirm before too long too
  5. even when we won the King of Spain cup!?
  6. Can we sell your body parts on the black market to fund a mass SteelmenOnline trip to our first away game in europe this season?
  7. there's only 5 mins or so left, surely to god we can shore things up and see the game out?
  8. no, i don't think so
  9. Kilmarnock 0-1 falkirk
  10. good luck against Dunfermline next year Saints
  11. how funny would it be if we get in and hibs don't... screw the top six
  12. if we get in, won't we have to play our 1st or 2nd home ties away from the 'Ark?
  13. dunno, i wasn't at the game... i was genuinely wanting to know out of interest
  14. i honestly can't remember the last time we scored from a corner
  15. when was the last time we scored from a corner?
  16. i know it's a rubbish thing to say, but... zzzzzzzzzzz
  17. that's a good interview and quite frank of Mcghee. Would be great if we could keep a hold of Klimpl, but I keep thinking him talking about championship sides etc. coming in is only going to bring him to teams attention?!? p.s 'Flow, can you enlighten us about the stand? I presume it's just lots of maintenance and repair work being done over the summer?
  18. I don't think the main stand is a listed building mate? And if it was, it's only bound to be a low class. So they could still completely re-develop the stand but maintain the frontage. As far as I know though, the only listed buildings in scottish football is the main stand frontage at Ibrox
  19. any statto's on here fancy trawling through every single result across the top 5 associations since January to see where we stand?!?
  20. if we qualified via this route at least we might have a chance of actually winning a game But still, the points are only contributed in euro games, and since we ain't got any in europe and haven't for a while then i'd say the chances of this are somewhere between zip and diddly squat
  21. For God and Ulster... what a fud
  22. no doubt we'll end up 4th in the league by 0.000000000001 point or something
  23. story from evening times (at the bottom). Nothing we don't already know: Click
  24. Gaag


    who cares?!? the badge is in the middle below the canterbury logo!
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