I'm one of those guys who keep having to re-arrange holidays etc, as even though I'm in Inverness, it's still a hundred miles away and to get a decent drink I'll have to go and stay over. My boss is getting pretty fed up, but thankfully their accomodating me on this one.
I'm every bit as frustrated as everyone else at these games being postponed all the time, but forcing Inverurie to play at another ground should be considered a last resort. I know that if we had been having the problems with our pitch that we did last year and ours was a home tie against the old firm, the last thing I'd want is to give up the home advantage and shift the tie, just to get it out the road.
I agree with previous posters though, that if the SFA are happy to allow highland league and junior teams into the cup that they should be willing to help them out with organising their events and helping to get the games on.