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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. well if it's not, it'll be even worse for them... they'll be without their captain cos he can't get the day off work!
  2. maybe that's why the ref was so lenient with the Falkirk players on sat
  3. Gaag


    Yep? We've had lots of requests from people to re-open this thread, prune the tit for tat and use it as an almost Q&A area for people to learn more about the trust and their stance (perceived or otherwise) on things. I haven't really seen anything on this thread that warranted it to be closed, and given that there were still outstanding questions and issues... I think that people should be given the opportunity to state their opinions. This isn't a slagging match for the trust, wtfc, fpc or anyone else, I just reckon that there have been some very interesting points raised in this thread that I'd like to learn more about.
  4. Gaag


    to be fair, I agree with you on this. I'm gonna re-open the thread, but I'd suggest starting another thread to discuss other Trust matters that don't relate to WTFC as it is the main topic of conversation on the thread there. I'm just as keen as you to learn more about the Trusts stance on things, and think it's only fair that both sides of the fence are given an equal opportunity to put their points across.
  5. I'm one of those guys who keep having to re-arrange holidays etc, as even though I'm in Inverness, it's still a hundred miles away and to get a decent drink I'll have to go and stay over. My boss is getting pretty fed up, but thankfully their accomodating me on this one. I'm every bit as frustrated as everyone else at these games being postponed all the time, but forcing Inverurie to play at another ground should be considered a last resort. I know that if we had been having the problems with our pitch that we did last year and ours was a home tie against the old firm, the last thing I'd want is to give up the home advantage and shift the tie, just to get it out the road. I agree with previous posters though, that if the SFA are happy to allow highland league and junior teams into the cup that they should be willing to help them out with organising their events and helping to get the games on.
  6. Gaag


    should this maybe no be in the WTFC section of the site? It seems to me that there's a few posters on here who are going out all guns blazing to wind up and take the piss out of the trust. Without knowing the full story, I don't see the point of the Trust wasting money on the football team if they aren't going to get any extra members out of it? Just seems like the money could be better utilised elsewhere. Obviously I don't know the full story though, so don't really want to say too much in case i'm completely wrong!
  7. Gaag

    Another Inspection

    i reckon they'll get the go ahead tomorrow at that time, only to recall another inspection first thing wed morning to see what the conditions were like overnight.
  8. if they are forced into a move for the tie, then it won't be at fir park anyway, it'll be at a neutral venue.
  9. i disagree entirely. why should they move it to FP? Really irks me how some are trying to be billy bag baws' over this.
  10. there's not really a whole lot that can be done about it though. Infuriating as it is, we'll just have to grin and bare it.
  11. ocht well, their shirt is better looking anyway
  12. the game will go ahead on wed, i'm pretty confident of that, supposed to be pishing with rain and 5-6c for the next two days.
  13. we'll probably know in about half an hour - 45 mins hopefully
  14. aww and there was me about to say it's a very mild 5c in Inverness this morning, and that i thought it would go ahead. Hmmm, think i'll just wait for the ref's inspection!
  15. the one date where i can't get time off work due to the boss being away and me being left holding the fort Looks like it'll be down and back same night for me if the game goes ahead
  16. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    all over, disappointed with that I must say
  17. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    not gonna happen today i don't think. not convinced this is the type of game where Murphy can get some freedom to do what he does, would've ben better off with Dairylea I think
  18. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    sounds like it. Porter off for Jamie Murphy.
  19. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    now clarkson smacked in the face, nothing doing again.
  20. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    "Darren Barrs been hammering everyone all over the park" Yet nothing done by the ref. Crawford Allen = Wank
  21. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    fuckin hell!!! even the commentator thought that was in
  22. Gaag

    Vs Falkirk

    lasley on for the injured hammell. Fitzy slots into left back
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