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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Gaag

    Harlaw Park

    then if that gets cancelled then it'll fall on the next available weekend which is the weekend of the next round of the Scottish Cup i think
  2. Gaag

    Harlaw Park

    when would be the next available date if it were to be postponed?
  3. Gaag

    Chris Porter

    but the point is that even if we were to get £150k for porter. Do you honestly think that it would be allowed to be spent on transfers? Don't think so. We're not that kind of club anymore. We are in the position we are today by making some good choices on players (some not so good) and being financially shrewd at the same time.
  4. Gaag

    Chris Porter

    Erm... naw. But i agree with the sentiment, that unless an offer comes in from England, or a ridiculously large one from a Scottish team we should keep him for now.
  5. Gaag

    Chris Porter

    Aye, but the point is... not from hearts
  6. i too also am happy to see you guys making the effort to communicate with the fans more, it's a very positive step in the right direction. I look forward to seeing the new logo's and site branding for the Trust. How are things progressing with getting a replacement for Alan Rough?
  7. aye cheers mannie, that'd be grand
  8. don't have a ticket i can spare you but i can give you a run through if you like?!?
  9. I got that book as a wee present for Christmas and i thought "Cool, but I bet it's not got Fir Park in it" now it's hanging pride of place in my bedroom!
  10. he played really well against Partick though? Well, ok, so maybe it's just cos it was Partick...
  11. Gaag

    Harlaw Park

    1 week to go and it was freezing out this morning in Inverness. Wonder if it's the same down in the Garioch? That's 2 mornings on the trot we've had frozen ground, hopefully we'll get a wee bit of a warm up over the weekend.
  12. bit disappointed we missed the boat on Felipe Morais, he'll do well for Caley
  13. can non members of the Trust have a look at a schedule of what you have done in the last year or so?
  14. Gaag

    Harlaw Park

    had a cold start this morning... but nothing too bad. First day i've had frost on my windscreen in a good 4 or 5 now though.
  15. is there actually anything happening on the transfer front at the moment?
  16. unfortunately though the Scottish/English/British mentality with that, much like learning foreign languages is "they'll do it our way anyway, so why bother?" Sad times.
  17. Agreed, what Al_B said there sums up perfectly my feelings on the Kaiser and how he became "Mr Motherwell" in my eyes. These days, I think it's very difficult to describe a player as a club legend and is done so far far too often. However, the term footballing legend is more likely these days as a lot of players change club. For example, if faddy's goal in france had resulted in us getting to the Euro's then he would've instantly became a scottish footballing legend, writing himself into folklore. It's not always about how long or how consistent they play, but very often a split second in a players career can escalate him into the upper echelons of fans minds. For me, what makes a legend is also about what wonderful thing they do in their careers, as well as how they carry themselves off. To my mind that's how the likes of Henrik Larsson, Brian Laudrup, Davie Cooper etc will go down as footballing legends over some other fantastic players who carry themselves with disdain and aren't professional in the slightest.
  18. I'd eat my hat if we got £480,000 for Steve McGarry:lol:
  19. Martin Rose - he is the current Chairman of the WellTrust and there are many people out there that are in strong disagreement with his place there
  20. i'll echo that... i'd love it if we could get another wee fairytale run this year
  21. Get Martin Rose off your register. The day that happens is the day loads of folk sign up!!
  22. it's funny how even wee things like car stickers, t-shirts etc entice people to join, for potentially very little initial outlay
  23. i don't think you have a suitable platform to reach the fans to properly inform them of what you are doing, this is maybe one of the main reasons for the scepticism?
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