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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. surprised to see the accies winning at pittodrie, we could well do with a goal now then
  2. sounds like quinn got away with a straight red offence there
  3. wee bit of pressure now, but not paying off
  4. well we've lasted 30 mins...
  5. Hardly! Calm down! If your source said we would NEVER leave fir park, then he obviously can see the future. How does he know that we'll never leave fir park?
  6. followed up by a belter of a save. We're gonna be up against it big time today
  7. aye cos he's mystic meg and has a crystal ball
  8. Trouble is most of them are just glory hunting local OF fans with nothing else to do on those days, so they thought they'd just jump on the bandwagon
  9. i didn't get a ticket... and i live closer to the feckin place than most others Simply because they wouldn't take telephone or internet bookings for this match absolutely gutted that i'm gonna be missing this one
  10. I think you're right... although I've a sneaky feeling the formality is St Mirren winning... It's their last game at Love St... something tells em they're gonna come out and give us hell
  11. Accies I reckon. Don't wanna see inverness go down cos it's my home town 'away' game!
  12. Gaag

    Inverurie Game

    ... I know, but if anyone happens to have a spare ticket for the cup tie I'd be most appreciative!
  13. Gaag

    Gunnar Neilson

    who's Gunnar Nielson
  14. i for one must admit to being a wee bit wary that the trust are just jumping on the back of the wellboys bandwagon here
  15. Just remember to keep your objectives nice and clear Well Boys
  16. Gaag

    Fans Tsar

    Can I make a suggestion? How's about making the membership benefits of joining the Trust something that actually entices people to sign up rather than just talking about how it benefits 'us' the group as a whole? I'm only asking, because I'll freely admit that i know little or nothing about the Trust and what it does/stands for. For example: Members are aware that the organisation reflects all sections of the fan base to the club. It exerts influence and aspires to an element of ownership and representation. Other benefits derive from the social activities in which the Trust participates. £1 of the first year's subscription buys a share in the Trust. How's that a membership benefit? Can you look at explaining to people why you don't spend £3, 4, or £5 of the first year's subscriptions on shares? Or at least clarify your standpoint?
  17. Thanks for that mate... I was holding it together perfectly well there until i saw faddy's celebration of him pointing to his armband with tears in his eyes. I miss Phil I love faddy
  18. Gaag


    according to ports, he hasn't even spoken to Forest... so how it could've been all but a done deal I've no idea?!?
  19. i don't think we should even be considering relegation to be honest. It's quite simply not gonna happen!
  20. Aye, very true... but then magically, after one win all of a sudden there's no more McGhee must go threads etc It's a bit daft imo, cos at the end of the day, as 'Flow says we're only a kick in the nuts off top six. In my view, there's nothing to turn around, there's no crisis to fix or problems to solve. We'll be fine as we always are. Let's just get behind the team and hope that after saturday's result we go on a nice rich vein of form. That said... I don't really see the top 6 changing much this year, maybe hibs will drop out of it, but I reckon Dundee Utd, Aberdeen & Hearts will be there come the split.
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