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Everything posted by Gaag

  1. Gaag

    Jim O'brien

    i thought O'Brien was fantastic yesterday.
  2. i voted for O'brien. Worked his socks off all day, played well and generally had a 100% improved performance. Run in the team for that man. Special mention for Porter too, and I thought Klimpl also played very well.
  3. Gaag


    Precisely... and even before that he was a muppet
  4. Gaag


    Colin Calderwood... we should reject any bids from Forest, purely on the basis that it's that wee twat in charge.
  5. Yup... Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you
  6. i loved how he fell for the brafur joke!!
  7. Ocht away and take a look at yourself. Lighten up. It's Christmas Evidently you're a glass half empty kind of guy
  8. Yet again another un-reasoned criticism of the club. The shop is run by Provan Sports, not John Boyle
  9. What about taking Kaiser from under Derek Adam's nose?!? Still don't think we should've let him go...
  10. As the old saying goes... if you can't laugh you'll only cry!
  11. Taxi for DelBoyd! Anymore of that shit and you'll be out of here faster than a rat up a drain pipe
  12. Fair enough, as you say... you have your own points you'd like to put to her. I'd be interested to know how you get on And by the way, just in case you were wondering, I'm not part of the supporters trust, nor have I ever been. I simply asked a question out of my own interest and put the answer I received up here. Gaag
  13. Not at all Lip, from the word of other people that know her actually.
  14. Gaag

    Mark McGhee

    I know it was a rubbish result today alongside a string of rubbish results, but in my opinion it's far far too early to be talking about a change of management. All this talk of 1st division etc is utter nonsense.. we're not even bottom of the league and it's not even Christmas! Bar last season, 9 seasons out of 10 we always have a shit run of form then bounce back and sort ourselves out. Anyone who's been a well fan for any length of time would know that. The problem we have is that there's no strength in depth of our squad, that was blatantly obvious today. A couple of shrewd signings here and there could turn things right around. One things for sure, the thing we need to sort out first is the defence. We should look to this before even considering a management change. We really can be a fickle bunch sometimes. I'm not McGhee's biggest fan, purely because of the way he handles the media, but I've no doubt in my mind that we won't be in the relegation zone by the end of the season.
  15. this thread is genius Can't wait for the show!
  16. I quote: "I know she's a woman of integrity" Not that the email points it out. I'm talking about from my own personal experience.
  17. you know the show doesn't last 24hrs mate?!? EDIT: I'd like to ask him if he's going to start using Just For Men now that he's the BBC's new media darling
  18. what are these "petty issues" you're mentioning?
  19. Gaag

    Accies On Saturday

    i reckon you'll be surprised... there'll probably be a lot more folk there than anticipated
  20. Hi folks, As you may know I sent an email to the club this morning to ask one or two questions regarding the ticketing structure for the Scottish Cup tie, as well as the general club communication policy. I'm pleased to say that Leeann got back to be very quickly on this. She also tried to give me a call this afternoon (i was in a meeting) and she left a voicemail saying that she'd be happy to discuss any concerns or ideas we may have going forward. I for one was very happy with the response, and given the fact that I know she is a woman of integrity, I've no doubts that she is very sincere in her posititve words regarding measures she is hoping to take going forward (regarding ticketing and general communication) The rough copy of what she said is here: Good morning Keith, The email you sent to the club this morning has been forwarded to me so I thought it useful to respond quickly to you on this matter. I’ll be perfectly frank with you, the club is in a lose lose situation on this one. No matter how we decided to proceed with the distribution we will inevitably have left some fans unhappy. Contrary to posts and comments made on the forums, the club has tried to learn the lessons from the Nancy match but we need to live with the fact that for the remainder of this season at least, redemption of special match tickets to season ticket holders via the online route is just not an option. The department and back end system currently does not have the ability to cope with it and that is a fact. Having said all of that, I have already identified this as one of the priority areas that I need to modernise and I have started to do so already. Again for clarity, we did consider a ST holder ballot however felt that the time constraints along with the previous experience against Nancy were such that this could potentially work out worse for all. You’ll be aware that I myself have only recently joined the club and many of the issues that have been raised with me already by other supporters, such as ticketing are not just overnight fixes. I really do sympathise with your own and other supporter’s positions but we are moving as quickly as we can. Please let me also assure you that we did all we could to get more tickets but at the end of the day 500 is what we have and we need to just live with it as best we can. I really do want to bring some clarity of communication to the fans as it has been lacking in the past. I personally won’t hide from the criticism so happy to discuss the above or anything else you feel you’d like to. I am at the stadium most days and always on match days. Kind Regards, Leeann Dempster Now I know that inevitably there will be a few posters who will pick negative things out of the above; however I think credit should be given where it's due. Also, bear in mind that Leeann Dempster is new to the club, and can't work overnight miracles! I think the club has made a good appointment in this one, and I fully expect there to be a number of improvements over the next year. I'm hoping to have a chat with her next time I'm down at Fir Park and I'll be in a position to offer you more information then. Gaag
  21. Gaag

    Accies On Saturday

    you don't have to cut down mate, just make them a bit more relevant
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