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Everything posted by Ian-in-Oz

  1. Ian-in-Oz

    Record Breakers?

    [quote name='Bill Bones' date='Mar 2 2010, 05:24 AM Brian Martin scored a real cracker a Ibrox that day IIRC. Aye i remember the Screamin Skull scoring that beaut of a goal & i also seem to recall that The Big Shagger van der Gaag went his whole Motherwell career without scoring then scored the winner with a scorching free kick in his last game for us. Could be wrong about that but would happy to be reminded of any other goals he scored.
  2. Why is it every year Hearts are bottom of the Fair Play league? I think an idea would be in the week before the split take points off in relation to where you are in that league. i.e 1st in Fair Play league you lose a point, 2nd you lose 2 points etc. Means thugs like Hearts would get 12 points taken off them & miss out in the top 6 which is fair enough coz they have obviously kicked their way there. I realise it seems a bit harsh but maybe it would encourage teams to clean up their act knowing that winning games by kicking teams off the park won't help their eventual league position. How many times have you seen your team a goal down & your stirker going through on goal just to be cynically chopped down by a defender. The chance is gone the game is lost & all that happens is that the defender picked up a yellow card for the benefit of his team.
  3. For me the difference is down to Craig Brown. Remember when he first took charge of Scotland we were powder puff up front but rarely conceded anything. Definitely a defensive minded coach but nothing wrong with that coz if you don't lose goals you don't lose games.
  4. Why all the doom & gloom? 4-0 to the Well coz we r due to hump someone & killie r pish enough to be that someone. Couple of early goals & they'll crumble. 2 goals from the boys at the back from set pieces to get us on our way. Either that or it will be a 0-0 yawn-a-rama But when all is said & done if you can't beat kille at home then you're not good enough to finish 3rd or even 4th so top six would be best we could hope for.
  5. We were told at the beginning of the season that the first year would be bad and after that the pitch should be fine. I've no idea if that's just a pile of pants or not but any work on the pitch isn't gonna happen til close season so let's give them the benefit of the doubt & see how the pitch mends itself over the summer. If next season it's still a tatty field then move the home games to Strathclyde Park and just throw doon a couple of jumpers as goals. Would make it so much easier for bawbag refs to chalk off legit goals against the h*ns. 'That's in ref 2-0 to the Well' "No it wasnae it clearly went over the sleeve of Granpa Broons cardy so still only 1-0"
  6. Motherwell to run them off the park but Rangers to win it with a deflected goal in last five minutes. Thats the only way Ruddy's gonna be beaten & the h*ns always score jammy goals when they aren't winning.
  7. Just to clear it up the A League has two regular season games left. After that the top six teams go into the playoffs & then finals the other teams just go on holiday. Pellegrino's Perth Glory will be involved with the playoffs but good chance they will get punted in the first round.
  8. Oh just remembered another one: He's fat he's round he weighs a million pounds Stevie Cowan Stevie Cowan What a great song that was. Was changed to worth a million pounds at Dens Park after he played a blinder against Dundee. Seem to remember some other mincer going by the name of Fairley possibly Jamie Fairley
  9. Can't believe i forgot about Andy Roddie maybe my mind was trying to protect me by erasaing him from memory. Can't remeber if Derek Townsley was good or not seem to remeber him being mainly pish
  10. Bob Malcolm or should that be Bob Malky coz thats all he ever done to opponents
  11. Although there has been many a great to grace the famous 'Well jersey there has been a few who should never have been allowed to. Who do you think are Motherwell's worst ever signings? For me it's Dave Shanks closely follwed by Joe McBride, Paul Kinnaird & Bob the bigot.
  12. McGlinchey can't get a game for Central Coast Mariners who are a poor team in a poor league so not exactly a signing that gets the juices flowing
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